The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 15, 1893, Page 12, Image 12

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The Senior girls wore ontortainod on Hal
lowe'en at Miss Hattio Town's. Enter
tainment suitable for such an evening was
provided and a pleasant timo was enjoyed by
all. The Senior boys would not go.
Brady Mosher, who has been sick since
the first of October, is now slowly improv
ing. His many friends hope that he will
soon be able to enter school again. Ho is
being cared for at Mr. Chapel's, at 18th and
B, streets.
The military department finds more and
more difficulty in securing permission from
the faculty for the encampment. Last year
only a fair majority was secured, and then
only after restrictions were imposed upon
the privilege.
The class of '99 is surely made up of poets
and musicians worthy of the twentieth cen
tury, even if they do come one year too soon.
The proof of the above is the following yoll,
which was projected into the quivering air for
the first timo on Friday: ''Rah rah rah!
we're in line. Who owns the Uni! '99.
The Y. M. 0. A. draws heavily upon the
University faculty for the membership of its
Board of Directors. Three are now serv
ing, Chancellor Canfield and Profs. Adams
and Hodgman., Upon the Chancellor fell
the task of finding a general secretary. His
choice, Doane, of Denver, so far gives per
fect satisfaction.
The department of pure mathematics has
been much annoyed by the complications
arising from the recent requirement of all
solid geometry for entrance to the first year of
the University. It has finally been decided
to adhere rigidly to published requirements.
This means that those not completing higher
algebra the first year must take it the second
Lieutenant Pershing has received some
photogravures of scenes of cadet life at "West
Point. They are very fine. But what es
pecially pleases the members of the battalion
as well as the commandant is the simple
statement accompanying them. It is as
follows: "Scenes from the life of the best
cadet corps in America, presented to the
second best cadet corps in America."
Wo take this opportunity of requesting all
Alumni to give us as much information
about themselves as possible. Every
alumnus interested in The Hesperian ought
to let us know in some way or other where
he is and what ho is doing, and it is his
duty to inform us if he marries, dies or goes
into politics. We do not need their help at
all to fill up the alumni column, we have
imaginations and can fill that readily enough,
but we are liable to tell them strange and
awful things of themselves unless they give
us reliable information.
Another strong member of our faculty is
soon to leave us. This time, it is Prof.
Frankforter. who is going to step into a bet
ter position than the University of Nebraska
can offer him. Ho goes to University of
Minnesota on December 1st, where he will
be director of the chemical laboratory. An
advanced salary and this high position were
too tempting to let him stay with his alma
mater. It is useless to re-state the oft-told
moral of this. We have lost too many good
men in the pas.t; wo ought to be hardened to
it by this time. So let them go. But don'i
forget the cause of all this, viz, a parsimon
ious, bigoted Independent legislature.
We desire to again call attention to the
Hesperian prize otfer. A prize of five dol
lars is offered for the best original story or
account of adventure of not less than two
thousand nor more than two thousand five
hundred words. The same must be handed
or mailed to the managing editor by the
1st of December. The writer need not nec
essarily be a subscriber to the Hesperian,
and only editors of either paper are debarred
from competing. It is sincerely hoped that
every student with literary aspirations or in
clinations will have self-confidence enough
to make a venture in the contest. The prize
story will bo printed in the Christmas num
ber of the Hesperian.
' i
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