c ." ft &V THE HESPEKIAN 9 4 'if j 1 r s4 ? I. Til l twelve men on the Kansas team did their best to score. Heller attempted to circle the loft end time and time again, and made several gains of eight and ten and one of fifteen yards, but ho always landed in the arms of Yont, Shuo, Crawford or some other lusty Bug-eater. His best playiDg was done at this stage of the game, but it was too lato in the day. Time was called with the ball eight yards in Nebraska's territory. The game is called a tie, but by. all that is fair and square the Nebraska team won it. It was the twelfth man that hold down our well earned victory. If wo wore not quite so modest wo would -iooast a little of having the best team in the west with the exception of Denver, perhaps, but there will bo plenty of time to do that' after tho pennant is brought home from the last decisivo game at Omaha on Thanksgiv ing day. Our boys played a marvelous gamo when we consider tho number of now men in the team. Wilson, who novorBaw a foot-ball till a few weeks ago, loft tho im pression on his opponent that he was a player from away back. Tho umpire was evidently afraid of Johnston for every time the boys lined up ho would sing out, "Ne braska left end keep on side." Ho prob ably thought Johnston had horns under his ear pad and was a dangerous man. Flippin showed groat norvo by playing with his thumb in tho shape it was, and. altogether tho boys are striking out in a way to make us rejoice. U U U-N-I. VAR-VAR-VAR-SI-TY IN. NE-BRAS-KI, O MY 1 1 It is probable that a largo portion of tho public are of tho opinion that it is tho unex pected which always happens. It is not likely that anyone atDoane seriously believed that Doane could down Nebraska at foot ball, but by writing several letters a week to all tho newspapers describing the prowess of their team in no measured terms, tho Doane enthusiasts" had created an impression that their team was second only to the great teams of the East, and that Nebraska's chances were exceedingly few. Doane really has got a pretty fair team, and if tho public had not been led to expect something phenomenal by tho newspaper accounts of the team, there would bo no cause for any humiliation on her part in Saturday's game. From the moment Nebraska got down to work in tho first ten minutes of tho game and began to shove tho ball steadily across tho field, five yards at a down, there was no doubt of the outcome. Tho only question was whether Doane could score. Once or twice there was danger of this; but Nebras ka's best defensive work was always done close to her goal, and onco in possession of tho ball, tho eleven rarely loBt it till they had made a touch down. A very fair crowd was present, and was uall present or accounted for" in every sense of the term. Nothing, apparently, but a regiment of dragoons and a battery of artillery can keep a Lincoln 'crowd back of the ropes. Larrabee, sometime full back on tho Iowa eleven, rofereed the first half and umpired the second, while Waterman, "of Crete," who, if our memory fail not, at one time played end for Doane, umpired tho first half and refereed tho second. Mr. Larrabeo's work was above criticism, and it is to bo hoped that his services can bo secured in the future, Good referees are as yet rare in tho West, and a really good one is the more appreciated. Waterman had a curious habit of referring to tho Nebraska team as "Lin coln," which reminded old timers of a referee at Omaha who referred to the Nebraska team as "Grin noil." It might bo well to draw the curtain of charity over tho rest of his work. One of the amusing incidents of the game 'U .w..- 1 .!