The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 01, 1893, Page 7, Image 7

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ing pretty well, but it wasn't quite good
enough, and Yont started on one of his vig
orous runs around the loft end. This placed
three more whito linos behind the University
It was at this point that it becamo paint
fully, apparent that Nebraska had twelve men
to play against. The twelfth man (Umpire
Toomoy), had stuffed his overcoat pocket
full of .foul-tacklo docisionB, each, one war
ranted to bo good for five yards or
Baker to tako the ball. One of these was
now sprung on the boys. It astonished Flip
pin so much that he dislocated Iuh thumb,
and it was sixty-two seconds before Yont re
covered sufficiently to get his mouth shut.
No one believes that Hopewell tried to throt
tle Pendloton, but the decisions of an um
pire are as binding as the law of the Medes
and the Persians, and Baker got the ball.
After bandaging Flippin's thumb the gamo
began again. By a series of good plays the
Methodist boys carried the ball back twenty-five
yards towards the center of the
In the next play there was some misun
derstanding of signals, and as no one took
the ball the quarter back started out on his
own hook. This was clearly a violation of
the rule that roads, "The man who first re
ceives the ball when snapped back from a
down, shall not carry the ball for
ward under any circumstances whatever."
Either the umpire had forgotton to road up
on the rules, or else he had special rules of
his own for the occasion. Ho would not al
low the foul. Twice more Holler wont at
the line liko a battering ram, and we fell to
wondering if his head, at least, -were not that
of a hard-shell Baptist instead of merely a
fighting Methodist. The way ho drops his
head and jumps into the lino would give
pointers to a four -year-old Merino. Flip
pin's thumb was injured again in tho last set
to, and time, was asked for to adjust the
bandage. ' '
No one knows just how it happened, but
in the next play Heller slippod around tho
loft ond and made a fino run of sixty-yards,
scoring a touch down. Lincoln crowds know
good foot ball whon thoy see it, and this
brilliant play was given an ovation ovon if
it was against our side.
Thomas kicked an oasy goal, but ho did it
very prettily. Scoro 0 to 0 in favor of
Nebraska started the" ball from contor
with a flying wedge. It split off twelve
yards of Baker's fifty-five. Then Flippin
helped himself to twenty-three more, and tho
scarlet and cream contingent howled their
approval. Tho ball was only twenty yards
from Baker's goal. But the next play was
a fumble and ono of tho foreigners dropped
on tho ball. It was hard luck for tho scar
lot and cream, but it saved the umpire tho
bother of pulling out another of his ready
made foul-tacklo decisions. In nine at
tempts by Heller, Mottor, and Thomas the
ball advanced twonty-oight yards. Then
Thomas tried to find a hole between Wilson
and Oury, but ho found it not. Holler next
tried to persuade Whipple and Dern to let
him pass, but 'they declined with thanks.
Heller concludod to try left ond, but Shue
objected and rolled him over four and a half
yards from where ho started. Tho refereo
refused to split yards and called it fivo, thus
allowing Baker to koop the ball. After a
few indifferent plays tho ball was lost on a
fumble, and it merrily started to roll clear
down to Baker's goal. There was no fool
ing this time. Tho pig-skin, like the obsti
nate animal whoso back it once adorned, had
determined to see what tho prohibition fol
lows had back of their goal posts. The tune
that it marched to was U U ITni., audits
rate of speed was as follows: 5-10-2-8-2
and 5 yards. Tnis was too slow for Yont
and he picked it up by tho oars and set it
fifteen yards ahead around the loft end.
This brought the ba.ll within twelve yards of
the goal, and every mother's son of a Bug
eater was howling and jumping and gesticu
lating after the most approved fashion.
Flippin was sent into the lino six times in