The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 01, 1893, Page 6, Image 6
r . u THE HESPERIAN WE CAN'T BE BEAT The Little Ministers Could Not Do It. Baker's Umpire Her Best Player. The game with Baker University, of Bald win, Kan., at the home grounds October 28, was one of those mixtures of good and evil that so often fall to the lot of mortals. The Nebraska State University eagle hardly knows whether to chuckle at the surprise our boys gave the Bakeritos, or to scowl at the rank decisions of tho umpire. But on the whole the chuckles chase each othor over his solemn physiognomy more frequently. Evdry one who is at all interested in foot ball knows what tho Baker team has done on tho gridiron, and it is needless to' repeat her record. Every one know before the game that our boys had to meet a rattling good team, and while the league pennant would in no way be affected by the result, yet the game would servo as a very close index as to tho chances of the pennant being trimmed with scarlet and cream; for had not Baker swiped the entire pie from the Missourians, and then chucked the Kansas State Univer sity in tho hole? Wo could not help feeling anxious, especially as Crawford kept insist ing that Baker had the best men back of tho line on tho foot ball turf to-day. This kind of talk put the Nebraska eleven on their mettle, which was just what Crawford wanted. The boys grimly determined to do up tho pie man, tho Baker, the candle-stick maker, and the umpire too if necessary. But here is whore they struck a snag. Tho umpire was too much for them. It is high .time a most vigorous protest was registered, against any player acting as referee or um pire in any game in which his team plays. No. man, even if he is inclined to be honest, can keep from favoring his own team. The Methodist boys merit a severe censure in in sisting that Toomey, their full back, should umpire tho game. Larrabeo was chosen referee, and as he treatod both sides alike there were no pet nnmes hurled at him. The Baker team arrived Friday evening and wore taken to the Grand Hotel, whore they kept as close as oysters until time, to play ball Saturday afternoon. At 2:35 tho Nebraska eleven -filed out of their dressing room in the armory, quiet but determined, and wore driven rapidly to the M street park grounds. Fifteen minutes later Baker followed. Tho teams lined up as follows: 11AKKK. POSITION. NKUHASKA. Potter lotC" end Johnston Tnylor loft tacklo .".... Ouvy Athorton loft guard Wilson Pendleton contor rush Hopowoll Fogle right guard Dirn Farrur right tacklo Whipple Games right oncl Shuo Allon quarter Crawford Hollor right half Yont Mottor loft half Plippin Thomas full back Lowory Cooper "1 I Ryan Taylor Frank Messingor S Substitutes. Mu esse Roach McFarland . . . Wiggins . . .Cameron .... Carney Baker won the toss and took the ball. Ne braska lined up to defend tho oast goal; the referee's whistle sounded, and the greatest game of tho season was fairly begun. The time was 3:10. Baker's opening play was her usual grid iron attempt, which placed her just eight yards nearer tho coveted goal. The second play was to send Hotter around the right end. He stepped two yards and then stopped. The third attempt was a fumble, while tho next two failed to make the nec OBsary gain and the ball went to Nebraska on the fourth down. This was encourag ing, and tho crowd showed its appreciation. It was. now Nebraska's turn to show how the thing should bo done. Crawford sent Flippin, Yont, Lowery' and Whipple into tho line in rapid succession, and each time ho smiled at the result. When the boys stopped to take breath they had recovored their lost ground and chewed off ton yards of Baker's dusty possessions. This was db.- V . & .J. -. "i l A tA-,1-- Vl -Ij.. ' '-- x u vAm- iniu39f$&jP