- arafc&ii 'jLai.:-.' , ' - " THE HESPERIAN. 17 41ii tlmSmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmMmJ. i "umiMf mnii iiuimimkimmmmmmmmm N? the theatre phase of Univorsity culture, it is certainly one of the most hopeful and en couraging. Prof. Barbour has gono to Chicago for a visit of some length. He will remain until after the closing of the World's Fair, and will endeavor to secure some valuable addi tions to our Museum from the collections of the Fair. There is no doubt that ho will get what he goes after. It is his way. Prof. Wolf left last Saturday for Califor nia in response to a telegram announcing the serious illness of his little son. At Salt Lake City he receivod a telegram stating that the little boy was dead. It is not yet known when the professor will return. Dur ing his absence the work in his department will be carried. on by instructors Bentley and Hart. The Freshmen and Sophmores entertained themselves and their friends on Saturday evening. The reception was well attended and was on the whole a most enjoyable af fair. The kind of receptions that the Fresh man and Sophmores gave each other in our day was very different, and we generally re turned from them with little hair and many bruises. On Friday evening the Palladian society held its first "special program" of the year. It was a Faculty program, and was one of the most successful entertainments of the season. The hall was crowded, while scores of people were turned away from the door on account of lack of-room. Every number on the program was enjoyed by the au dience, especially the playing of the Tuxedo Mandolin club. Tho first addition.3 to the collections in the Museum since the beginning of the college year came from Prof. Lawrence Bruner. During the summer, while on an expedition in Colorado and Wyoming for the Depart ment of Agriculture at Washington, he col lected many specimens of groat interest. Among, them are lizards, reptiles, frogs, etc. With liis usual genorosity, ho turned them all over to tho Univorsity Museum. Tho junior class will issue their annual May 1. The board of editors are getting down to hard work, and are determined that Vol. Ill of the Sombrero shall be a crodit to their class and to tho University. One feature of the annual promises to be of un usual interest. February 13, next, is char tor day, the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the University. It is proposed to devote considerable space to showing the evolution of our alma mater during the first quarter of a century of itsf existence. This will consist in general of write-ups of differ ent phases of University life, alumini rem iniscences, cuts illustrating tho changes that have taken place in buildings, laboratories, etc. The Ukspkkiah was somewhat surprised to learn of the large number of students in the Latin department of the University. There are eighty-seven, strictly speaking, do ing college work under Prof. Barber. These have studies in Suetonius, Plantus, Horace and Cicero's De Senectute. In the prepara tory work there are three hundred and seventy-seven students. These include those who are reading Virgil, Cicero's orations and Caesar, and also those just beginning with the grammar. This year marks an epoch in tho, method of studying Latin here, since Mr. Wilson teaches the inductive mode, or with interlinear texts which are thought to remove some of the "deadness" of the lan guage. Although the University debating club still rests in innocuous oblivion, the other clubs have begun their work. The Union Boys' Debating club has boon having suc cessful meetings for some time. It has now made a bold move by challenging tho mighty intellects of tho Maxwell club, of tho law school, to a joint debate. Tho challenge has been accepted and tho date set for Saturday evening, November A. Tho question, to be forever settled, is: "Keaolved, that the m I 5 .,11 3W -Jj s 31 -s