The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 01, 1893, Image 1

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    The Hesperian.
fl I,-
Vol. XXII.
No. 18
rr .-- , -g,
Issued semi-monthly by the Hksi'Krian Association of the Univer
sity of Nebraska.
W. CAtHER . Managing Editor
G. F. FISHER ; Editorial
NED:C. ABBOTT Literary
AMY C. BRUNER Literary
W. E. KIRK Alumni
B. C. MATTHEWS 7. . . . Exchange
J. A. LUNN Athletic'
C. L. TALLMADGE Business Manager.
One copy, per college year (in advance) $1 00
One copy, one semester 60
Advbtising Rates on Application.
alumni and ex-studhnts.
Special endeavor will be made to make The Hesper
ian interesting to former students. Piease send us your
Subscriptions on our books will be continued
until ordered stopped.
Address all communications to The He.speian, Uni
versity of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
We jirc orry to learn that thoFliilomnthian
society has disbanded. There is a splendid
opponunity for another literary society in
the University. All that is required to make
it successful iB push and energy of the right
sort. In our opinion, the failure of the
Philomathinns may bo attributed to the ri
diculous method of procedure used last year
when it was organized. It was a literary or
g.inization established on a religious basis.
This combination never works. The society
this year was composed entirely of boys
coining from the preparatory school. Had
the girls only taken an interest in the society
it would not have disbanded. There' must
be loadstones in our literary societies.
This is a distinctly athletic issue. Noth
ing,but athletics count this time of year.
The foot ball games have taken up a great
deal of room, as foot ball games have a way
of doing, and we have been forced to expand
to twenty pages. Even with this increase in
size we are compelled to omit several articles
that ought to appear, and among them .the
Y. W. C. A. column. We are very sorry
about this, for they had prepared an exceed
ingly interesting column, but it came in late
and foot ball was her& before it. We hope
the association will pardon this omission,
and we promise to do better in the future,
but just now we must repeat Tom Paine's
words, slightly modified, and say, "Camp is
our creed, and foot ball our religion." We
are deeply indebted to Mr. A. M. Troyer
for his report of the Baker game.
If the Baker club makes a practice of carry
ing their umpire with them it is no wonder
that they have won so many games this sea
son. The game Saturday was conclusive proof
of the superiority of our team over Baker's.
Had it not been for umpire Toomey, who
plays full back upon the Baker team, wo
could have another victory recorded for us.
If the umpire had been a disinterested party
we might not have so much cause to com
plain, but when the visiting club stands up
as they did, to have one of their own men
act as umpire, we register ti kick. Something,
a little more Ohristian-liko is expected of the
"Littlo Ministers" from Baker. Wheu they
play "Salvation" and "Kock of Ages"
against our Nebraska sinew, we hate to soe
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