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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1893)
J. H. EMNS, President. C. C. QUIGGLE, Sec'y. i i r Evans Laundry Company 327-331 NORTH TWELFTH STREET. We Guarantapatisfaction in eveffparticuiar. Students' Trade Solicited, Telephone 199. 1 iMUUNI UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY OFTHIS COUNTRT Will OBTAIN MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION FROM A STUDr OF THIS MAP OF THE Clicap, Rod Island & Pacific Bj, The Direct Route to aud fiom CHICAGO, HOCK ISLAND, DAVENrORT, DES MOINES, COUNCIL I1LUFFS, OMAHA, LINCOLN, WATEUTOWN, SIOUX FALLS, MINNEAPOLIS. ST. l'AUL, ST. JOSKl'ir, ATCHISON, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS CITV, TOl'EKA, DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS, and I'L'KllLO Fruti Reclining Clialr Cais to aud fiom CHICAGO, CALDWELL, HUUCI11NSON and DODGE CITY, and I'alute felet-jiltie Cure between CHICAGO, WICHITA uud HUTCHINSON. SOLID VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS (if Through Coacliea, Sleepers, Free ItaLllnlng Clinlr Cum uud Dining Guis dullv between CHICAGO, DKS MOINES. COUNCIL UI.tfFFS, OMAHA uud LIN COLN, mid lictucM-n CHICAGO and DENVER, OOLOIUDU -d'RIM.s and l'l E11LO UuH. Joeph, Oi Kiuimhh Cit lid 'Jmiikn 1 xi iiihidiir ifuih, with Choice ul' Routt to und iroiu Suit uki , I'm-tlHiid, ljo Angeles and him Train Ihuo. Tlie Jilimt Line to and fiom 1 'Ike's 1'eak, Muuitou, Gulden ot the Gods, the bimltiiriums, and beenic Grandeurs of Culoiudo. Via The Albert Lea Route, FuBt Expiesa 'J'lalns dully betuien Chluugo and Minneapolis and bt. l'liul, w lt)j THROUGH Reclining Clmir Cure FREE, tf and fiom those points and Kun. bub Citj. Through Clialr 'ur und Sleeper between 1'eorln, Spirit Luke und Sioux i alls vlu Rook Islund. The Favorite Line to Wutei-town, Hloux Fulls, the Bummer Resorts and Hunting aud Fishing GiouiuIb of the North" eat. For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or desliod information apply to any Coupon Ticket Office, or ud chess F. ST. JOHN, Oen'l Manager, JOHN SEBASTIAN, Gen'l Tkt. & J'rhn. Agt., j Scientific American f AgeHcy for 551 - A TOlttfliil lliilll''!ii!ii'l JdtTmM Cs rfsPsl t '.WW'r Jul Bt CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS. ir-2Br DESICN PATENTS, - rnDvsirUTc , m .... m wi For Information nnd freo Handbook -write to MUNN & CO., 30.1 BHOAirWAT. NEW YOHK. Oldest bureau for necuring patents In America. Kvery patent taken out by us is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in tbc JcicMtifif Journal Largest circulation of any scientific paper In Uio world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be -without Jt. Weekly, sv'J.OO a rear; fLWIslx months Address J1UNN & CO.. l'UULlbUKUS, a Gl iJroadway, New York City. We do not offer special prices to students. But we guarantee our prices to be lower than those Who do. We have a large stock of Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, etc , For Ladies and Gentlemen Which we invite you to inspect. MILLER & PAINE, 133-139 So. Elrv nth. Sutton & hollowbush, MAKERS of Bon $0110 ant) Chocolates. SODA WATER AND ICE CREAM. 131 SO, IITH er. TELEPHONE OB CHICAQO. ILL.