The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 16, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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sics and literature for those who wish it. It iron heel of the majority was firmly planted
is likely that the people of the state would on his neck, and all the strings that were
object a little to some of -the present expend- attached to him were pulled so hard that
itures which have very little bearing upon they snapped. The party which he repre
higher education. The last legislature showed sented is still trying to make a record and
themselves by no means clay in the hands of Mr. Bryan is now enabled to watch their
the potter, and perhaps it would be well even endeavors and to bless 4eir manoeuvers
for the powers that be not to throw aside too from afar. My son, don't go into politics
lightly the counsel and example of the old with a principle to defend." You might some
friends of the university who have spent the day bo taken for an honest man. Con
strength and effort of their lives in doing the sistency is a jewel, dear boy, but it should
will of the state. not sparkle like the diamond, at least not
in politics.
"Behold, how good and how pleasant it
is for brethren to dwell together in unity!" The Athletic election brought in a great
Had the psalmist who first uttered these many new members to the association. The
words, only been in our midst during the small membership fee is but a trifle to the
strife incident to the election of the board of individual student, but a number together
directors of the Athletic association, he counts. If each student would only see that
might have been imbued with a little college his name is upon the roll and his half dollar
enthusiasm, and no doubt could have been in the treasury, there would be no need of
induced to change the word unity, to discord
with limitations. Paradoxical as the state
ment may seem, the little brotherly fight
which has just been finished will be produc
tive of unity in the future. It is far better
individual solicitors asking the more patri
otic for large subscriptions. It is unfair to
make one-fourth of the student body con
tribute the money necessary for athletics
this year. Any one who will talk foot-ball
to have any ill-feeling which may exist come and shout for foot-ball, and then refuse to
out at the beginning of the school year than help foot-ball in the only .substantial man
to let it run along hidden, cropping out at ner that it can be helped by one who does
intervals when least expected. Foot-ball
matters are settled. No more time need be
spent in word fights. In fact no one cares
to renew the old scores. "We are assured
that this is true. Everyone feels more
enthusiasm for work in the future, than sor
row for mishaps of the past. If unity is
attainable only through discord, give us discord.
not play it, is meaner and has a more dimin
utive soul than the man who crossed his bees
with lightning bugs to enable them to work
in the dark.
We regret exceedingly to say that the
essay on Lessing by Miss Nellie Faulkner,
which last spring won the Knight prize and
was left in this office for publication, has
been lost. We wish to take this onnnrtnnff.v
We respectfully call the attontion of all of apologizing to the author and the Palladian
embryo politicians in the University to the society for our carelessness and neglect,
career of the lately esteemed Wm. Jennings The essay was spirited and original, and was
Bryan, Nebraska's congressman and Grover's a most excellent literary production, treating
holy horror. This man made so bold as to the great German author in a new and very
be honest and consistent. Ho went out into effective manner. Beside taking the Knight
the world with a record to make and became prize it won the encomiums of the department
a leading light in a party that also had a of English. It is with regret that we are
record to make. Then forsooth, because he forced to deprive our readers of such an in-
would not be a political jumping jack, the teresting and scholarly article.