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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1893)
. tw fit T i ,. ''As VT .i iL It T$ How to Become Beautiful. USE - HOWARD'S FACE k BLEACH - 7JViit T)rtv1 Rnllniii f and Sun-Burned Complexions. This Bleach removes all discolora'tions and impuri ties from the skin, such as Freckles, Moth Patches, Sunburn, Sallowness, Flesh Worms, and Pimples For sale by all first class Druggists or at Howard's, corner O and 12th streets. Price, $1.80 per Bottle. nters sy fTCBMUti vm a MJK iwvvxr. -jv, 7'yji" j&r- Strides Us vLI66r You have the Nerve, to pay High Prices for poor grades of CokI. Cull on us and we will sell you the right kind at the right price. Lincoln Coal Co. 1045 O Street. Phone 440. JOHN B. WRIOhT, President. F. E. JOHNSON, Vice President J. . McCLAY, Cistier. THEs Columbia National Bank, Of LINCOLN, NEB. CAPITAL, $250,000.00. DR. L. W. EDWARDS, siciar ard Surgeorx Rooms 00 and 01, Burr Block. Day and Night. TELEPhONE 305. Lmcotn, Neb. PKy V &G9 Hi Oornor lOth and P Streets. Dpartrririt Stor- Headquarters in Lincoln for Dress Goods, Notions, Linens, Domestics, Hosiery, Un derwear and Shoes. Lowest Prices and Prompt Service. t Suits Made to Order. Guarantee Good Fit. V. TAUCHEN. MERCNHNT THILOR. Practical Cutter and Fitter. Cleaning and Repairing Neatly Done. ISO North 11th Street Opposito Cnpllnl Hotel. Lincoln, Neii Lincoln District Telegraph Go. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Reliable Messengers Express Wagons Baggage Wagons. trunks8 Delivered at Low Rates. Telephone I'M TRUNK8 Ofllco Corner 10th and O StrootR a , t r i r ' P . . r 'tV.i' itj -,".' MC,'-r A--1 rr.vs; i M 1 t P BiHTii .m am iiiiwimimiiMwiiiiihiimii i ri ' ,-" -T !Ct(rj HCftd. J JiW '-VO il JteBZu J& .--JU, Tgj-.1 njifig p. 11 -y '"7 ZJLLm TTTm I . - .,1,