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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1893)
vXSmftMMba tJr THE HESPERIAN 15 Joseio Lolnnd; second mandolins, Miss Stella Curtice and Miss Josophino Lottoridgo; gui tars, Miss Helen Hoover and Miss May Moore. Thursday evening, October 3, the Y. M. 0. A. of this city gave a reception to all Lincoln students in their building on 13th and N. A largo number of students wore present and overyoue reports a good time. Chancellor Canfiold addrossod tho mooting and the music was furnished by tho Univer sity Quartette. During tho summer, Miss Cora Smith and Miss Louise Leo made an extensive botanical survey of tho Platte river. They secured over three hundred varieties of flowering plants and a large number of sedges and grasses which they have not yet classified. Their work is highly commendatory of the Fern. Som. Bot. Tho degree of L. L. D. has recently been conferred upon Chancellor Canfield. He was the orator at the annual Alumni gathering of Williams College, held last Tuesday at Wil liam stown, Mass. Among other distin guished Americans who received the same honors with Chancellor Canfiold, are Henry Cabot Lodge, President Gates, of Amherst, and President Tucker of Dartmouth. Fremont teachers took a lay oil' Wednesday night and embraced the oppor tunity of visiting tho State University and the city schools in Lincoln. There were no less than thirty-five of tho force here, in cluding Mr. Dan Miller, the superintendent, and tho High School corps. Tho Hesperian was glad to see among tho latter Miss Rose E. Collins, who is now teaching latin and literature. While all tho other lines of University work are starting with pleasant prospects, tho Hesperian is glad to note that tho band isbyno'means in tho rear. We learn that there have been some eight or ton valuable additions to tho membership, making the total number twenty-six. Saroly,'with the excellent training they are receiving, the U. of N. band will oqual any collogo band in the country within a short time. We are glad to announce that a University Glee Club has boon formed, and that tho or ganization moans to do something more than organize. They will devote their efforts mainly to college songs, and contemplate making a state tour this winter. Tho parts are taken as follows: first tenor, R. O. Wil liams and Ernest Houghton; second tenor, Mr. Ricketts and Mr. Whaloy; first basses, Chas. Jonep and C. F. Tucker; stcond bass os, E. A. Gerrard and J. Cochran. Lincoln people enjoyed a treat in the line of .athletics last Tuesday, although tho game the Bostons and All Americans put up at Lincoln Park was somewhat of a farce, still it is something to see the men that are stars in their profession. Tho score by in nings was as follows: Bostons 20000100 03 All-Americans 10 10 110 2'' 6 Batteries, Stivetts and Ganzell; Carsey and Kittridge. Time of game, one hour fifty-fivo minutes. The new Cloaks, Clothing and Dress Goods shown by Herpolshoimor & Co. are the choicest lines ever shown in tho west. Do you want a daily paper with tho Hes perian ? Well you can, this way, by an ar rangement with the local management. Stud ents of the Uni. can get tho Hesperian and the World-Herald by the month at sixty-five cento in advance. The World-Herald gives you all the Lincoln, state and national news, delivered at your door early in the morning. Tho Hesperian does all this in a school way and is issued twice a month. Leave your subscription with O. L. Tallmadgo, of the Hesperian, or at tho World-Herald office, 1045. Its a beauty, the now Catalogue of Her polshoimer & Co., Lincoln. Send for a copy, free. Send for samples of the beauti ful line of new Dress Goods. 4 ',- PWOTitfiilWOTIftWjHWW SMBM iJL i&&&&KLxi