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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1893)
4r jfjx i THE HESPERIAN 11 ) EXCHANGE. The pride of the Vassar girls is that none of their graduates have ever been divorced. T7v How many have had an opportunity ? In olden times the lovelorn youth, Who held life not worth living, Would plunge a dagger in his heart And die, his love forgiving. The modern youth who, soured by love, Seeks shorter paths to heaven, His sweater dons, eats raw beefsteak, And joins the football 'levon. Sequoia. The first woman in the world to receive the degree of electrical engineering is Miss Bertha Lameur. of Springfield, Ohio. She is a graduate of the Ohio State University, where she led her class throughout the entire course. When you see a Freshman going to chapel in the midst of a crowd of smiling upper class men, it is safe to presume that said freshman is being "rushed." Ariel. The state of Iowa has spent 3,000,000 on her insane asylum, fifteen times as much as on her University. How is it with Ne braska? Oberlin was the first College in the world to admit women on an equal plane with men, and opened its doors to negroes twenty-eight years before their emancipation. S. JJ. 1. Quill. Two students attending the Normal School at Valparaiso, Ind. attempted to rob the banking department the other day at 3:30 p. m. One is doad, the other is lying wounded behind the bars. Don't lot the other students out-strip you in literary work and extemporaneous speak ing. If ex-college men toll us rightly, this feature of college life is of very great im portance. Join one of the literary societies and receive all the benefit to Tbe gotten from it. Ex. 'Mid pleasures and palaces, Though wo may roam, We think of our mammas, We'd like to go home. Abroad it's so different, No one seems to care For the tears we are weeping; We don't want to stay there. Home, home1, home, home, home, I want to go home, I want to go home. Ex. It is hard for an empty bag to stand up right, as J. said when he saw the sleepy student's head gradually sink down on his Greek book. Ex. New Student "How much is the Cosmos a year?" Business Manager "One dollar." N. S. Is it intended for any special fac tion of the student body ? ' ' B. M. "Yes, sir. For the faction that has a dollar." In Latin and Greek Ho was quite a streak; In dress ho was fopish and tony The latter was due to his being an ass, The former was due to his pony. Harvard Lompoom. College journalism originated at Dart mouth in 1880. The Hesperian contains many oxcelleut literary productions. Mvlhenlerg. When people complain that they are uni versally acccused of all kinds of meanness, we may safely take it for granted that the major part of the charges are true. The world's estimate is usually correct. Ex. Do you want a daily paper with the Hes perian ? Well you can, this way, by an ar- rangemont with the local management. Stud ents of the Uni. can got the Hesperian and the World Herald by the month, at sixty-five cents in advance. Take your shoes to Walt's for repairs. Good work guaranteed. j , jt, i Ar. 2l. u. li.-u4 A-. x -"-