s LINCOLN'S MINERAL SPRIP m K i.-t-T4 -- " - ssL-LT " , -H TsfSSSnsiSarB ;M: fewsrafi rxjui. 6 r SANITARIUM P8STT.S UNCOH SULfHO-SAUHC SATHCt jpS UNCOLH NCt- v ' i- f ridujPT 3Ty v Th - r iTr r mrn . i pw.. - E. T.tFT'J - k. IB I'd r ii r I --.3 -. - i e 'im r i r2 i rkw rz? ' UJ U4 BH uJ tIT4-? pm m w jh .a-i ,li cn dRStta.rBsi ..'.r . wmsm rjiav na :wi iiviu -iii&m&M.2 Pr!JIC AKCKlTT Rheumatism, Skin, Blood and Nervous Diseases, Liver and Kidney Troubles, and Chronic Ail ments are treated with uniform successs. The Hot Salt Baths are the important features of this establishment and cures are speedily af fected where other means have failed. These Artesian Waters are many times stronger than ocean brine and the thorough system of treatment soon results in relief to the afflicted patients. Open the Year Around and patients may come at any time. 100,000.00 have been expended in this enterprise, the proprietors thereby demonstrating their faith in the curative qualities df these mineral springs. All Sorts of Baths arc given, including a great swimming pool, 50x150 feet, and z to 9 feet deep. Testimonials of a most convincing chancier will be furnished by addressing the managing physicians, ; K. T- DRS. M. . and.J.O. EVERETT, ' t 1.4th and M Streets, Lincoln, Nebraska. v Westerfiqjd Mil ! Is and has been thenStudentSt.Barber for the last ;:'('.. rJ " "":' h fou.!:AeJe;nAyears' Call anc s'e,-Kirri at the Bifrr Blk or at the beautifully equipped ANNEX, just south of the Lansing Theater. CAMP BROS. Manufacturers of Fine Carriages, Phaetons, Buggies, Etc. Dealers in High Grade Bicycles. Our "Dauntless Compeer1' Ladies' Bicycle, easy riding, stylish, graceful. The Finest High Grade Wheel in the city. See our Wheels'. Get our Prices. Corner Tenth and M Streets, Lincoln, Neti. mSSc - .- -ga. - .-HBr