The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, September 27, 1893, Image 19

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Illl llll III llinil'lHIII -. ..""I'yfr .an.
Medicetl Department
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Next Term Begins September 15, and Continues Six Months.
Is u beautiful structure, largo and commodious, heated with steam, and containing all
modern conveniences; is situated on Bethany Heights, a suburb on the oast side of the
city, commanding a magnificent view of tho city and surrounding country, with street
cars passing tho door, which connect with other lines to all parts of the city. Tho
Medical College has a complete corps of professors, lecturers, and demonstrators, and
is equipped with all tho modern appliances for instruction in the several branches of
Medical and Surgical Science.
Covers a period of threo years, in which there are throe full courses of lectures and
clinics of six months each. After tho session of 1893-94, tho course will bo increased
to seven months.
Students who have taken a full preparatory course in a creditable college or uni
versity, and can pass a satisfactory examination, will bo admitted to tho second course.
For Catalogue and Full Particulars, Address
W. S. LATTA, M. D., Dean, 239 South Eleventh Street, Lincoln. Nob., or
JPKOF. J. L. MACK, Attorney at Law, Seouetaky, 1025 O St., Lincoln, iNob.