- -", THE HESPERIAN 11 F , your reverence, a good deal of your self-importance, and you will lose Latin verbs most appallingly. Wo are assured that loss is sometimes gain; perhaps, wo hope so. We don't care to advise you what not to lose, because well, we have not yet quite decided just what is worth the trouble of keeping.. The only gospel we have faith enough in to preach is the gospel of enthusiasm. What ever you lose, keep that. We don't care what you are enthusiastic about, whether it is the ear of the salamander or base ball, running, high jumping, or the late lamented .digamma. If you can't keep up your enthu siasm in something, you are in for a four years' course in ossification and you will graduate a fit specimen for any mental mu seum in the land. ALUMN! AND FORMER STUDENTS. '93. W. F. Wolfe, jr., is-posting in law. '93. F. H. Larson will.post in law this year. Miss Grace Olough is attending the North western. '93. Miss Sarah H. Ryan is teaching at Malcolm. '89. W. N., Fletcher is practicing law in Montana. '93. R. E. Johnson is studying in the law school. '92. Geo. L. Sheldon returned to Har vard this year. '90. MisB Jessie B. Wolfe is teaching at Butte, 'Montana. '93. Miss Martha Hutchinson is posting in Latin and Greek. Miss Stella Ducker returned to school this fall after a year's absence. '93. H. G. Barber is an assistant in the department of entomology. '92. Walter B. Pillsbury is a Btndent at Cornell University this year. '93. 0. 0. Marley is posting in the law department ofthe University. '93. Miss Yesta Gray is practicing law with great success in Fremont. '91. Miss Fannie Baker is a teacher in the high school at Nebraska City. '93. Norman B. Ban is in the employ of the Lincoln Chemical company. '93." J. P. Williams is studying medi cine in the Rush Medical College. Leonidas Miller, a former member of the class of '94 is at Palestine, Texas. '92. L. E. Troyer is pastor of the Bap tisj; church at his home, Dorchester. '88. Jay A. Barrett is assistant secretary and librarian of the Historical library. W. M. Cain, formerly of '95, will enter the Senior year of the law school this fall. Miss Mabel Dempster, a last year's stu dent, is teaching near her home, Geneva. '93. D. N. Lehmer is specializing in mathematics at Johns Hopkins University. '93. Mrs. A. G. Wolfenbarger is teach ing school at Twenty -third and Vine streets. '91. W. J. Taylor is again employed as principal of the South Omaha high schools. '93. T. E. Wing will post in law and keep a fatherly oversight over the JSfcbrashan. '93. H. S. Lord is surveying on the U. S. boundary survey in Nebraska and South Dakota. '72. W. H. Snell is city attorney of Tacoma, Wash. He visited Lincoln during the summer. '93. C. A. Skinner will this year post in electrical engineering and attend to the weather bulletin. '93. H. A. Senter will return to con tinue his 'chemical researches in the labora tory this semester. '93. John L. Marshall, jr., is in the em ploy of the College Committee of the Kan sas Y. M. 0. A. Miss Ella Hart, a last year's student, has been employed as instructor in the-department of psychology. -. -ff X M ' t i i in i n. L";-1 i-' a " ""wi'i.ih.i.h'