'"?-. x , ,'"' V-l THE HESPERIAN. UNIVERSITY of NEBRASKA. Vol. XXII. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, SEPTEMBER 27, 1895. No. 16 THE HESPERIAN Issued semi-monthly by the Hespkrian Association of the Univer sity of Nebraska. W. CATHER Managing Editor associates. G. F. FISHER Editorial G. IBABCOCK Literary S. C. ABBOTT Literary W. E. KIRK Alumni . A. LUNN Athletic B. C. MATTHEWS i Exchange MYRTLE BARNES ". Local ADAIN McMULLEN Local C. L. TALLMADGE Business Manager. terms of subscription. One copy, per college year (in advance) $1 00 One copy, one semester 60 Advetising Rates on Application. alumni and ex-st'jdents. Special endeavor will be made to make The Hesper ian intere'sting to former students. Please send us your subscriptions. ""Subscriptions on our books will be continued until ordered stopped. Address all communications to The Hespeian, Uni versity of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. SALUTATORY. It is customary for a college journal at the beginning of each year's work to make out a sort of political menu, which, during the rest of the year, it talks about, refers to, offers to die for, in fact, does everything but follow. Desiring to honor all the hallowed traditions of journalism, we proceed to fol low this time-honored custom, and demand for our statement as much credulity as the ipublic usually has for a paper's statement of its own policy. During the coming year, we intend to do just three things, so far as lies within our power, and we may as well state thom in plain, "unornamented language which anyone can interpret without the aid of a hand-book of mythology or a dictionary of similes. "We mean to attack whatever appears to us to in jure college spirit and activity, to defend whatever appears to promote and strengthen it, and to most scrupulously lt alone what appears harmless and inoffensive. Undoubtedly, the most pleasant position in journalism is that of the dilettante. The habitual and professional unbeliever at least has the satisfaction of knowing that ho never wastes his enthusiasm on things that are not worth it. lndeod, after a restful summer, the temptation is 3trong to take a balcony seat on the wall with the elders and watch the contest on the plain through a glass. But such has never been the policy of the Hesperian. For whatever else the paper may have been noted or notorious, its pugi listic tendencies have been universally ad mitted. It can say, as a certain French soldier once said, that ho had been in every kind of fight, from a duel with a crown prince to a street scuffle with his butcher, and wo hope it can add, for this year at least, the. rest of the soldier's boast, that he considered himself a gentleman nevertheless, for ho had always fought by the code and never lost his temper. If there is any fight ing to bo dong, we will be down in the lino fighting on one side or the other, striking out from the shoulder. If we err, we will err through bad judgment, not through lack of enthusiasm. Last semester, the Husvekian completed its twonty-second year, so far as weknowtihe most serene and peaceful yoar of its exis tence. In its day, it has blacked a good many eyes, and blacked them creditably,