The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, June 08, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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of previous years. That tho piior will oon
tinuo to improvo is fully warranted by tho
election of nnothor progressive and wo do
not doubt, harmonious board. Miss Outlier
as managing editor of tho now board will do
her work well, as alio has done this yoar,
and will prosont Tins IIksvkrian to its
patrons in a form and make up that will bo
a credit to herself and all concorned. Again,
in saying farowoll I wish to thank tho board
and tho business manager for what they
have dono to mako Tiik IIkspkman the suc
cess it has boon, for tho interest they havo
taken in tho paper and for tho harmony that
has at all times existed in tho prosont board.
I also wish to thank all thoso who havo con
tributed anything for tho paper at any timo
during the yoar. Tho professors have shown
a good deal of interest by writton contribu
tions that havo added much to tho attractive
ness of tho paper. We hope they will not
let their interest lag next year.
Paul Pizky.
BooK Reviews.
Ono of tho most intetesting and unique
books wo havo seen lately is a little volumn
entitled "College Verso." It contains about
two hundred pages of the best verso com
piled from tho loading college papers of tho
country by .losoph L. Harrison. The book
exhibits good taste in ovory particular, and
the binding is especially nuat. Owing either
to the influence of classic models, or to tho
youthful susceptibility of tho authors, the
verso runs largoly to sentiment, but as the
sentiment is good, and wo all rather like a
little sometimes, that is no objection. On
the whole, the verse seems to us a great doal
better than those pallid effusions that deco
rate tho pages of the Century or Harbors.
A few of tho selections are in a lighter
vein, of which the following is ono:
rwo seasons:'
Oft through the summer vacation,
We played the fair Clam nnrl
Love games o'er the net of our tennis,
With glances entrancingly shy.
This season again we play tennis
Together through many a set;
But now we always play double'
'Gainst the world just over the net.
Class Day at Harvard.
Class day nt Harvard is tho students' day;
tho buildings are all theirs, and tho yard is
thoirs, to do with an thoy liko. It is tho
day of actual graduation. Commencement
may give tho formal certificate of tho uni
vorsity, it is necessary in ordor to mako tho
lottor of tho ceremony comploto, but collogo
life, in its subtler significance, onds when
Jones tho Bell-ringer blows out tho last
candlo of tho class-day lanterns.
Of tho formal part of tho exorcises of the
day thoro is httlo to say. With a few un
essential differences, it is liko tho formal
part of tho class day of ovory other Ameri
can collogo. About nine o'clock in tho morn
ing thoro is prayer in tho chapol, to which
all tho seniors walk, onco in tho unaccus
tomed splendor of dross suits and silk lints,
but now, I boliovo, in gown and mortar
board. Of tho recent changes, however, I
do not feel qualified to speak. 1 will des
cribe the day only as I my self knew it dur
ing the four years when I way at Harvard.
After chapol comes breakfast, taken stand
ing at tho house of tho Plummor Professor
of Morals, and then all idle about or busy
themselves in preparations till eleven, whon
they march, two by two, with tho band and
class day speakers at tho hoad, over to
Sander's theatre, in tho eastern ond of Me
morial hall. There tho Orator delivers his
oration, the Poet roads his poem, tho Ivy
orator is, or trios to bo witty, and tho Odist
reads his odo, which tho whole audience
then sings to tho tuno of "Fair Harv
ard." It is then, when tho crowd has poured out
of tho theatre, that Class Day really begins.
It is a little afternoon, tho timo for tho mid
day spreads, and the girls begin to gather.
There havo boon many of them at tho thoa
tre, but these are but a fraction of tho vast
army that now begins to invade Cambridge
from ovory quarter, from Boston, from
Brooklyn, from Now York, from Virginia,
from Texas, from California, in all de
grees of bewildering beauty of face and of