Medical Department, artfarflfflV'iiflT'' m ' ' ' ' COTNBR UNIVERSITY. Next Term Begins September 15, aui Contiuues Six Moiitfe Jflc Knioei'sit? Building-f IS a beautiful 8tn.ctu.-c, lavgo awl commodious, hosted Blown, am o .Urmng u ...odern conveniences; is situated on Bethany Heights, mbnrb on of the city, commanding a magnificent view of the city and surronndmg .count , .tn shoot cars passing ; the foor, lieh connect with ot ,.; .nos oa g lne Medical College lius ft compieiu cuip - , y -- - ,.'. l, rim ,QVQ,nl ors, and is equipped with all the modern appliances u .v branches of Medical and Surgical Science. ?oupsc of Instruction- (Wrs a period of three years, in which the,, are throo Ml J clinics of six months each. After the sossion of 1 SJu-5H, tlio course to seven months. nn . ....n.ijfnble college or unit Students who have taken the full preparatory course n uod taWt c vorsity and can pass b satisfactory examination will be admitted For catalogue and full particulars, address , W S LATTA M D Dkan, 23U South Eleventh Street, h.ncoln, eb, W. b. LAJ.J.A, M. u., "ia n,RrTU.Y 102S O St., Lincoln, Nob. PKOF. J. L. MACK, Attorney at Law, Sw im-vm , iu-.i