THE HESPERIAN 11 V displease her. Sho was, ho thought, like exterior, and ouch waited breathlessly for something othoronl, something that did not The Moment. liko to brush against tho basor, material world. Sho admired his tall frame, dark face, and air of studied nogligonco, tho air, sho thought fondly, of a man of experience, At last, throwing his voice into those deep tones which on othor occasions had been thought so effective, using tho short, pithy sentences ho had learned to write from his of a man of resource. Many times before work in tho Analytics class, and beginning this day, sho had thought with vaguo bitter- firmly, ho spoke. ness of a certain willowy junior maidon, of "This is a world of idoals. But theso raven bangs, clear complexion and slightly ideals cannot endure always. You know Roman noso, who was cutting recent wide what this week moans. It moans that wo swaths in colloge circles; but now, as thoy aro to move no longer in a doll's world, two wandorod on, sho recognized that she playing with doll's toys, with doll's surround- stood leagues ahead of that junior maiden, ings. Wo aro to enter the world of life, to and sho exulted. To-day, at least, was hers, struggle with our equals, mon and women. Time would tell the rest. Tho light will bo hard, but it rests with us Till a fow moments before, they had been whether it will bo a lonely or a fortified and seated under tho trees with the others. To happy one." while away tho time, ho had drawn from his She did not interrupt him. At this mo coat pocket, at hor request, a copy of the raont sho felt that sho could not have spoken, Inst edition of tho college paper of which ho woro the untold riches of an Aladdin's palace was an editor, and began to road it to hor, to bo hor reward. She could not fool certain in a low, thrilling, "conversational" voice, even of hor beloved Greek. Sho was con one of his articles. Tho spell-bound ad- scions only of a slight feeling of comprcs miration in which this held hor, sho broke sion within hor, and of an instant's regret only to listen now and then when ho paused that that junior maidon was not near to hoar to drop an approving word upon her humblor what was to follow, articles on another naffo. or when ho spoko lie continued, raising of the gratification of tho winters at hor speaking now less firmly, neat and accurate -copy," written in the "This day has been one of peculiar mo- delicate, perpendicular handwriting of which mont to mo. I do not know how it may her friends were so proud, and which ap- have affected you, but mo it has alloc ed pearedin such advantage in tho now class strangely. I cannot tell hoy but it has invitations. So the reading went on, until, made mo fool certain ot something that has as he looked up to point out the peculiar often passed through my mind before. It strength of tho point ho had just made, their has made me fool certain oyos mot in a look that neither of them lie paused a moment to wipe his biow could mistake. Ho read on for a moment, with his handkerchief but only for a moment. A common impulse The thought was vibrating thou bo 1 i i fi,.if Tm Moment had como now, tuo mo- oi,.od thorn, and soon thoy arose am began ft T Mo n ont to .troll away from tho group, nnt.1 thoy m - tl ., wore wandering alone on tho bank, of tho afto, I to s toe a. Blue, talking commonplaces, watching tho lies u tea a" frogs loap fnto tho dark-hued water, and ag, a e rf w h. listening to tho chirping of the birds or to Jwtm the merry sounds of laughter that boy could ead U by tl,tthog,,tBtop Lear arise now and thou from tho groups b eta . h , w far behind thorn. But each know nnd for tho'otho, Such a tonso soul was concealed under this caioless onu his voice, and