G THE HESPERIAN ft N I Seo. II. Art. I. All caso3 of disobodi onco shnll bo puuishod by the board of the two captains and manager. Art. II. The senior captain shall bo chairman of the board. Seo. III. Art. I. The manager shall transact all business for the crew. Akt. II. The managor shall be elected in May by the Athletic Association. Akt. III. After the first year the cap tains shall bo elected by the two crows in joint meeting, sometime in May. Akt. IY. The captains and manager shall have power to select tho crews from the mombors of tho boating club. Akt. V. Tho captains and managor shall serve one year; tho term begining after com mencement. Sko. IV. Akt 1. No one shall bo a member of tho crew who is not a member of the Athletic Association. Akt. II. No one who is unable to swim shall become a member of the crew. Seo. V. Akt. I. In tho absence of senior captain no one shall use boats with out written permit. Art. II. No other college shall be al lowed to uso the shells without permission of board of managers of tho Athletic Associ ation. Seo. VI. Tho flag of the club shall con sist of tho Univorsity colors. EXCHANGE. A bill has passed both houses of the Ohio legis lature making hazing a crime punishable by heavy penalties. Vidctte Reporter. It was a Yale student. He spent $15 on a handsome lad who played a girl's part at the theatre. When he found out the sex of the fair one, fever and chills got hold of him. The students of Yale are making preparations for presenting a play entitled "Robin Hood;" Vassar will soon give the "Antigone of Sophocles" and the Harvard men are making elaborate ad vancement, under the supervision of Professor Grenough, with a Latin play, "The Rhonnio of Terence." It looks rather incongruous to find in the local columns of a college journal constant recommen dations to "smoke Posen's cigars" and "U. S. cigars," "chew South Carolina Pig-tail;" and then read over in the editorial columns the evil effects of tobacco upon the system. These things ought not to be. The number of "cuts" allowed in some of the leading colleges is as follows: Yale 24 per year to Juniors and Seniors; to Sophs and Freshmen 18; Williams 30; Darmouth 21. At Amherst and Wesleyan a student must be present at ninc tenths of the recitations. At Harvard, Ann Arbor, Cornell and Johns Hopkins the attendance is said' to be optional. Ex. The Senior class of Tufts College has elected a co-ed as manager of the foot ball team. And so we arc to be driven from our last stand. We have left the banks, offices und stores to . the fe male workers, and now they have taken our last and dearest occupation. O, what a time is this, my countrymen ! Come on with the rnillenium. University of Chicago Weekly. A VKRSION FOR HASH WALL. "Will you drop into my mitten ?" Said the fielder to the fly: "No 1 thank you," said the spheriod As he passed the fielder by. "My skin is very tender And your mitten's hard and tough, And though I fear you may object 1 think I'll use a muff." Yale University has made a decided advance in the direction of what is generally known as practical education by putting modern languages on an equal footing with the classics and mathe matics in the curriculum of the second year's course at the college. It is said to be the in tention of the Yale authorities gradually to rele gate Greek to an insignificant place in the curri culum and finally to abandon it entirely. The owl always endeavors to tell the truth and report facts, therefore we wish to make a correc tion concerning a statement in an editorial in our last issue. In an article concerning the accusa tions made against Miss Stull in her work as Secretary of the State Oritorical Association, it was stated that Mr. McMullen was referee judge on the contest, which was not true, but he was present when the result of the rankings of the judges was determined. It was a mistake through a misunderstanding of the facts for which no one was to blame. The crinoline has received a death blow so far as its vogue in England is concerned. The re fusal of the Princess of Wales to disfigure herself with its monstrosities has effectually vetoed