THE HESPERIAN - ft ft: m say. Many regard tho action of the organ izers as not only inconsistent and untonablo, but as absolutely treacherous and unprinci pled, considering tho fact that many of them have, in tho past, boon loudest in their de nunciation of fraternities though it must bo' admitted this was done only when, by so doing, tho denouncers furthered their own private interests. To many, this appears like an entire abandonment of principles, a mere act of policy, a conversion for revenue only. But wo recognize the fact that our prospective fraternity friends will easily ex plain this seeming inconsistency, on tho indisputable ground that every man has a right to change his opinion, that they have only experienced a change of heart, that they see the error of their past ways, and so on ad infinitum. But as was said, it is not for .these pros pective fraternities or their organizers that this article is written. We wish to give a little plain, timely, fatherly advice to our friends the "barbs" in the literary societies. Though it may be true in some, it is not true that in all cases these men are deserting the literary societies simply as a matter of policy. It is more than questionable whether such action is politic. There must, then, bo some other and deeper motive; and this is found n dissatisfaction with the work that the lit crary societies have, of late, been doing. This is not a pleasant admission; but it is a fact, and we might as well face it, and the sooner we do face it and act on it, tho better for the "barb" cause. Some of these men who now propose to enter fraternities un doubtedly believe that in so doing they will advance themselves mentally, socially, and in other ways to a greater degree than they rXi COukl by rGmainig i the open literary so v.Wfcjoty. Whether they will do so or not. it is not the purpose of this article to discuss. Their actions show conclusively what they themselves think. We might as well hon estly admit that the work of the open socie ties has not been up to the standard of a fow years ago; that interest in debating circles has almost died out, while interest in the literary socioty is on tho wuno. Now there is one, and only ono, way to chock this tend ency to "fratism." The literary socioty must do bettor work in both a literary and social way. Make the student fool that the socioty offors him more and better advan tages than any fraternity can, and he will stay with tho society; and undor no other cir cumstances. Wo have numbers and senti ment with us; which side has the arguments is a disputed question. One thing is sure ; in the end tho best will prevail. If we barbs do not win, we do not deserve to. It is not, in any way, a question of sentiment, it is one of hard fact to bo settled by the princi ple of tho survival of tho fittest. There is no doubt that the batallion is an important factor in our University. It is important within tho institution because of the discipline it affords to the body of male students. It is important without because of the benefit derived within, and because it is known as one of the best disciplined and drilled cadet batallions in the west. Tho cadets spend a great deal of time doing drill and tactics work. If they derive pleasure from their work, well and good, if they do not, there is no relief for them, for tlioii work is compulsory. There is nothing done through tho college year that will give all the cadets genuine pleasure and furnish a land-mark, as it were, by which they will re member their military work. Wo bolieve it would be a good plan for the cadets to givo a military reception and ball at the end of each year's work, and this would be a good year in which to start tho ball rolling. A rccop: tion in which all might meet in social con verse, would bo something which the aver age cadet would look forward to with joyous anticipation, and look backward upon with pleasure. A military ball might bo held in connection, for theimjoyment of those who dance, although this might be loft out if tho batallion so chose. To make 'this one of the features of commencement week, would place a premium on the work of the military department, and cadets would more willingly