t H. EVANS, President. C C. QUIQG Evans Laundry Company, 327-331 NORTH TWELFTH STREET. We Guarantee Satisfaction in every Particular. Students' Trade Solicited. TJDLEP'HOISrE 199. I Ed.G. Yates & t 1 1 29 O Street. Special Prices to Univorsity Students. BOOTS AND SHOES gg2wa& fotograpfyer.- Does the most drtlfltio work to be found In the Oity. Blrst premium at the Nebraska State Fair in 1888, 1889, and 1890. EXAMINE HIS WORK. Special Bates - - - to Students. MAKERS OF J2 3eWkSSh MJS&v & Also DELICIOUS ICE CREAM, FINEST CANDIES. Popular Prlw. All kinds of Fancy China for Rent. 208 South 11th St. KtraPr?P9n a,t0"C "' r-TolophoM ML FOR SQUARE DEALING Vlt Goto All of the Latest Styles and Beet Qualities at Lowest Prices. S-yi '- ' m s rm. r ' u n , GliOTHING 3L House 11 25 O Street, Lincoln, Neb. M1SH1FIILB, ZaT- First-Class 10c, Shaving anp Hair Cutting Parlor. QOOD CLEAN BATH ROOMS. svRB nL00R Don't Forget to give Him ?. Trial, Northeast Cor. O and 13 th 8U, ull Set of Teeth for $6.00. TEETH EXTRAOTDWniOjnjPAIN. NO GAS. All Hlilnga at Lowest Wat. STO QHLOROFOBM. NO ETHER DR. H. K. KERMAN, Surgeon Dentist, Boom- 94, 05. -nd Ofl, Burs- Bloofc. -J - ! 4 W " t v i . ."" ,J if. v3T .'vit .1 f '4 &"$ !VS tft: - -fc. ,fed '.. m )4