i Over 1200 4-2 Cf- Mt jW!R.$ BICYCLE Cornor I Oth and P Streets DEPARTMENT .- STORE. j Headquarters in Lincoln for Dress Goods, No tions, Linens. Domestics, Hosiery, Underwear i and Shoes. Lowest Prices and Prompt Service. PA P HP A T The Only Strictly First-Class Eating House in the city 121 NORTH ELEVENTH STREET. CAFMED CHAS. W. BRANDHORST, Prop. in stock. Now nnd second- linn J. Cnli or lime. .A.W.GUMP & C0.t DAYTON, OHIO. .V ' Av? Jl' fenu lor M81. aSy' 'SSS.USKNT.SWANTKl). Bicycles, Guns and Typewriters takon In Fxchange. tt. IHJCUAIMEOWITH THE GEOGRAFHY OFTHIS COUNTRY WtLL OBTAiN VUCH YMIABIE INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF THE fc, Rock Mai & Pad Rj TLr inrcct ltoutu to ami iroui CHICAGO, HOCK ISLAND. DAVENUOHT, DES MOINES, COUNCIL BLUFFS. OMAHA. LINCOLN, WATEHTOWN. SIOUX FALLS, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. l'AUL, ST. JOSEl'II. ATCHISON, LEAVENWOUTH, KANSAS CITV, Tol'EKA, DENYEH, COLORADO SI'HINGS. n4 l'l EUI.O 1'ne KcxIIiiIiik Chair Lara tu uiul from CHICAIjO, CALDWELL. HUTCHINSON and DOIKjK CITY, ami I'ulncc Sleeping Cars between CHICAGO, WICHITA nml HUTCHINSON. SOLID VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS of Through Coaches, Sleepers, Free Recllulnu Chair Cars and Dinlni; Cars dally lx-twcen CHICAGO. DES 1I01M, COUNCIL HLUFF8. OMAHA mid LIN COLN mid between CHICAGO mid DENVER. Ou.01tDo SI'HINGS and 1'UEHLO via St. Joseph, or kauai City nnd Topekn. Excursions dally, with t lime of Route to and from Salt I.nke, I'ortland, I AiiiHt andean Francisco, "'he Direct Line to nnd nun Pike's l'eak, Mnnltou, Garden of the Gods, the sanitariums, and Scenic Grandeurs ofColorado. Via The Albert Lea Route, Fast Kxiies Trains dally between Chicago and MIiiiimiU and St. l'anl, with TilltOUGII Reclining Chair tars FHEE, to and from tho.e points and Kan asfity. Through Chair Car nnd Sleeper between I H,rla. Spirit I-ako and Sioux Falls via Hock Island. Tl- law.rile Line to Watertown, Sioux FnlU. the Nimir.fr Hsorls and HutitinK nnd Fishing Grounds of "if N.rtlnet. '',r Tickets, Maps, Folders, or desired Information -ri'ij lUMuy iuwn licKct omce, or address JOHN SEBASTIAN, Gen'l Tkt. & 1'ua. Agt., E. ST. JOHN, Gen'l Manager, CHICAGO, ILL. Scientific American Agency for .-iS.Tf.T Gmtfi - - xpivl t m av CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS, etc. ,n7 firm .A W7?. JTr sjs&0rHvw ft Y v fefc. ' For Informal urn and frco unnunooK wnio i MUNx'v CO.. .l ltHOAl.WAY. NKW YOHK. oidoM bureau Ir s--tinn.' patent In America. Kvorvi-ll i t taken ..ntl. u- i brmiuhl boloro tin! i pubilL by a notice given tr.-e ui charge in tho Scientific JUnmcmt Ssrdr: ICuaUUU. yl Urondway, New York Ut. Lincoln District Telegraph Company OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Reliable Messengers Express Wagons Baggage Wagons rtutnekrss Delivered At Low Rates Office Cor. lOtn and O Sts. Telephone 190 ! i' i .1 ft :m i