filll A: Close Ctit. I While the little fellow is trimming his toes, THE HUB is pruning the prices on Overcoats. Nice Stylish Coats can now be -:- :-:bought at $5, $7.50, $8.60 and $10 in either Sack or Ulster styles. All colors and shades to select from. Buy now, while selection is good and price low! THE HUB. 104-106 North Tenth Street L. BLUMENTHAL practical Ibatter i n N. 11th Street. Hats Cleaned, Dyed, Blacked and Shaped to the Head. f Ladies' Plush Cloaks steamed and refitted. Ji-LXj WOKE: GTJ-a.K,Ji.iTa?EEX). gUBSCMBE FOR TJ1E- Hesp enan -$1.00 PER YEAR. M D f Kf hK Cabinet and Life Size Photos, 226 CRAYONS, PASTELS, ETC. Smith TTth St. I . . ....... .. r.i il. n..i n'nrkmnn Kmnlnvod. n uniy ExcImIto Qround.Floor Studio In tno city, umy m - 1SJ nnnnA Rntipfv flip Moat Fastidious. ( ) JjJLNLUlxN. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. T. W. TOWNSEND, Proprietor.