Over 1200 BICYCLES a&A v? stock. New nnrl rrrond hand, i'iimi or 1 1 me. ,'" O i i" "k- f '" Corner I Oth and P Streets- DEPARTMENT .- STORE. Headquarters in Lincoln for Dress Goods, No tions, Linens, lv Domestics, Hosiery, Underwear and Shoes. Lowest Prices -and Prompt Service. MmX& wmww ?' imSziZ? JI.W.GUMP&CO., DAYTON, OHIO. Send for list. AfJKNTK WANTH1I. Bicycles, Gunt and Typewriters taken in F.xchange. ( A "P T TH A T The 0ny Stricty First-Class Eating House in the city 121 NORTH ELEVENTH STREET. CHAS. W. BRANDHORST, Prop. CAFE A jMMlj&l UNACQUAINTED WITH THE OEOQnAPIIY OFTHISCOUNTRYVVILt OBTAIN MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF THIS HAP OF THE Chicago, Rock Islanfl. & Pacific By, 'Die Direct Route to and from CHICAGO, ROOK ISLAND, DAVENPORT, DES MOINES, COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAIIA, LINCOLN, WATKUTOWN, SIOUX FALLS, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. l'AUL, ST. JOSEPH, ATCHISON, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS CITY, T0PEKA, DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS, nnd PUERLO. Free Reclining Chnlr Cnrs to and from CHICAGO, CALDWELL, HUTCHINSON nml DODGE CITY, and Pnlnco Sleeping Cnrs between CHICAGO, WICniTA and HUTCHINSON. SOLID VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS of Through Conches, Slenpers, Free Reclining Chnlr Cnrs mid Dining Cnrs dnllv between CHICAGO, DICS MOINES. COUNCIL I1LUFFS, OMAHA and LIN COLN, mid between CHICAGO mid DENVER. COLORADO SPRINGS mid PUEULO via St. Joseph, or Kansas City and Topeka. Excursions dully, with Choice of Routes to nnd from Salt Lnke, Portland, Los AiikcIps and San Francisco. The Direct Llim to and from Pike's Penk, Mnnltou, Garden of the Gods, the Snultnrluins, mid Sccnlo Grandeurs of Colorado. Via The Albert Lea Route, Fast Express Trains dally between Chicago and Mlnncnpolis nnd St. Paul, with THROUGH Reclining Chnlr Cars FREE, to and from those points anil Kan sas City. Through Chair Car and Sleeper between Peoria, Spirit Lake and Sioux Falls via Rock Island. The Favorite Lino to "Watortown, Sioux Fulls, the Summer Resorts mid Hunting mid Fishing Grounds" of the Northwest. For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or desired Information apply to nny Coupon Ticket Office, or address JOHN SEBASTIAN, Gcn'l Tkt. & ra. Apt., E. ST. JOHN, Gen'l hi'nnnger, CHICAGO, ILL. Scientific American Agency for JSl ,totv B ft i'-atA.mt .mi A'l. ?i Mfr' CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. nFSIP.N PATENTS. mi- V COPYRICHTS. OtC. 1'or Informal Win ntid frco Hnndbook wrltp to MUNN Ac 111 , :n-l RllOAUWAY. NKW YonK. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America, I. very p"tont takon out by us is hrm.ght boforo tho jmollo by anotloo Riven free of clmrgo in tho T nvirnqt plroulat .on of any sclontlflc paper in tbo woVkL Spl mdldly illustrated. No lntoll gont S i Jiliouia bo wltbouu It. WroWy.ssl.Ofli a vpnr- MJillsix months. Address MUNN A iA. I'uiLisilrnb. tffil Broadway, Now York city. Lincoln District Telegraph Company OPEN DAY AND NIGHT- Reliable Messengers Express Wagons Baggage Wagons trLtnekrss Delivered At Low Rates Office Cor. lOtn and O Sts. Telephone 190