THE HESPERIAN "Its mighty hard to looso yo', Noll, but may bo its best. Maybo if I'd lived an' married yo' I might a' got old an' cross an' used to yo' some day, an' might a' sworo at you an' boat yo' liko tho mountain folks round here docs, an' I'd sooner die now, while I love yo' bettor'n anything else in Gawd's world. Yo' liko mo, too, don't yo' dear?" "Oh Allen! moro'n I ovcrknowod, inore'n I ever knowod," "Don't take on so, honey. Yo' will stay with nie to-night? Yo' won't leave mo even after I'm dead? Yo' know wo was to bo married an' I was to have yo' to-night. Yo' voift go way an' loavo mo tho first night an' the last, will yo' Noll?" Tho girl calmed herself for his sako and answered him steadily: uNo, Allen. I will sot an' hold yo' till momin' comes. I won't leave yo'." "Thank yo'. Never mind, dear, tho best thing in livin' is to lovo hard, and tho best thing in dyin' is to die game; an' 1'vo done my best at both. Novor mind." He drew a long sigh, and tho rest was silence. "Russian Political Exiles." Tho audienco that greeted Mr. George Kennan, in tho Lansing, April fifth, was not as largo as had been expected ; but, as far as culture goes, it was one of tho best audi ences Lincoln can produce. Tho lecturer appeared under tho auspices of tho Palladian society, with II. G. Bar ber and F. F. Tucker having Sole manage ment and taking all financial respon sibilities. Almost everyone is familiar with tho work of Mr. Konnan in Russia among Siberian convicts. His work there was untiring, and he left nothing undone in Ills endeavors to obtain an account of the ex act conditions and torriblo sufferings of the exiles who are yearly sent to tho mines of Kara, or to other places in Siberia. Tho ad ventures and narrow escapes Mr. Kennan had, and the vast amount of information he gleaned from under the noses of tho Russian officials, furnish plenty of material which ho will bo able to uso in locturing to English speaking audionces for yoars to como. Ho treats of a subject about which very littlo is known outside of Russian circles on account of a gagged press and threatened exile. But thanks to tho efforts of Mr. Kennan, tho nations outside of Russia are fast be coming awaro of tho atrocities committed in that anarchistic region. As Mr. Konnan said, whero there aro so many noblo souls who yearly sacrifice their lives in an effort to bring Russia under a progressive form of government, there is much hopo. A Czar cannot always keep his people in darkness when so many of his subjects have an ap preciation of light. There will be a revolt there some day that will shake tho whole of Russia, and tho Czar will meet his just de serts by being sent, not to tho mines of Kara, but to tho mines of hell, whero there will bo no eternal snows or biting frosts, but whero there will be eternal heat that will cause him ten times more suffering than his subjects suffered in their frozen forced mar ches in his cold dominion on tho way to their Siberian convict homes. Tho work of Air. Konnan in aiding the Russian exiles may bo as a drop in the ocean, as one per son has remarked, as far as bringing about a change in conditions goes, but if it were not for tho drops the oceans would not sep arate the continents. We predict this, at least, that Mr. Kennan's work will so open tho eyes of every progressive nation that when tho opportunity offers, these progress ive nations will, every one of them, step in aud aid the progressive people of Russia in rebelling against a non-progressive, retro gressive, arrogant and despotic government. Tho work is a noble one, and Mr. Kennan may well feel proud of his offorts. In his illustrated lecture in tho Lansing on "Rus sian Political Exiles" tho lecturer showed the effects of the cruelties practiced by the offi cials on tno innocent suspected ones that aro yearly sent to tho Siberian prisons. With out any word painting or extra coloring, Mr. Kennan, by merely throwing tho pictures on the screen, and giving a few words of ex- tfl