The Hesperian. UNIVERSITY of NEBRASKA. Vol. XXII. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, APRIL 15, 1893. No. THE HESPERIAN. Ksucri semi-monthly by the Hesperian Association of tlio Univer sity of Ncbtaska. PAUL PIZEY, '93 Managing Editor ASSOCIATES. C1IAS. F. STROM AN, '93 .'Editorial MISS WILLA CATHER, '95 Literary E C STRODE, '93 Law Literary SCHUYLER MILLER, '95 , Alumni H S. LORD, '93 Athletics G F. FISHER, '94. ..'. Exchange adam Mcmullen, '96 i TiT L C OBERLIES, '95 A C L. TALLMADGE Business Manager TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, per college year (in advance) $1 00 One copy, one semester Co Advertising Rates on Application. alumni and ex-students. Special endeavor will be made to make The Hesper mn interesting to former students. Please send us your subscriptions PO'Subscriptions on our books will be continued until ordered stopped. Address all comminutions to The Hesperian, Uni versity of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. DIREOTORY. PALLADIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. 11. G. Barber, Frcs, Annie Treat; Sec'y. UNIVERSITY UNION LITERARY SOCIETY. D. N. Lbiimrk, Pres. H. A. Senter, Sec' .y DELIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. John P. Williams, Pres. Myrtle Barnes, Sec'y. PHILOMATHIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. R. A. Barnes, Pres. Maude Cleghorn, Secy. UNIVERSITY Y. M. C. A L. G. Thayer, Pres. F. F. Tucker. Sec'y. UNIVERSITY Y. W. C. A. Miss Bessie Merrill, Pres. Miss Emma Boose, Secy. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. Ciias. F. Stroman, Pres. Fred Barnes, Sety oratorical association. t Rupus Bentley, Pres. Adam McMullen, Secy. SCIENTIFIC CLUB , H. A. Senter; Pres. H. G. Barber, Say. UNIVERSITY DEBATING CLUB. ( C F. Stroman, Pres. Miss Vesta Grey, Sec v. EDTTORIAL In the last number of the JFdnmlmn, there is an editorial which scorns to have some thing to say about the Hesperian. In fact, the first part of the editorial is good, but it is weakened by the last part. It is begun by a quotation from the Hesperian. That does very well. The editor could not have chosen more wisely. This quotation is fol lowed by one taken from the Sientor. This is good also. Tt expresses the sentiments of the Hesperian exactly. The editorial dicus sion of the " Representative Paper' busi nosss" is as good a discussion as can be made, perhaps, from the Xehmd"an'ls stand point. Finally, the editor comes to a point whore ho woakons his whole discussion. Hero is what ho says: "We shall be glad to discuss, soberly and earnestly, with the IIes i'Ertan any question either of us may bring up. We shall not do any more scrapping on this Frat-Barb question. We have had our say and shall keep quiet hereafter. St. Peter isn't going to ask whether we were a 'Pal' or a 'Sig' before he lets us in' In other words, the editor says, "Now if you don't let mo play with your doll, I'll just take my doll and go right home." We do not object very seriously to the idea that the frat-barb question should be allowed to root. We were disgusted long before the present year with the worthless arguments and cease less cant put forth on both sides .of the fra ternity question. The Hesperian has in the present year said less, we believe, about frats than the Hesperian of previous years, for some time back. We remained silent not because wo were afraid to speak; not "because our views had changed any; but be cause we desired to see the two factions take i 1 1 ! y 11 P iiU U A