The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, April 01, 1893, Page 13, Image 13

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There has been a strong movement on foot to
expel Sweeney from Doane College. However,
the unpleasantness has somewhat blown over, and
Mr. Sweeney will probably remain ' to finish his
The elass of 'y6 had a spread at the Conserva
tory Friday evening, the 1 7th. Ye local editor,
not being sufficiently urged, did not venture near;
but, by those more fortunate, a pleasant evening
is reported.
A party of twenty-one from the Swedish Col
lege at Wahoo visited the University the 24th.
Kspccial attention was paid to the visitors in
showing them the buildings and attractive fea
tures of the University. The party were well
pleased with their visit.
Prof, and Mrs. Menzendorf, aided by a few
members of the orchestra, furnished a number of
delightful selections at the home of Rev. T. F.
Stauftcr, Monday evening the 26th, the occasion
being the 30th anniversary of the marriage of
Rev. and Mrs. Stauffer.
Oratorical contests are over for awhile, and the
IlespiiRiAN local department will not be cut down
to half its proper space. If you are one of the
kickers who want more locals, please bear in mind
that several have been thrown out each week,
owing to contest reports.
As soon as the weather will permit, the batallion
will be given a chance to display its skill at target
practice. Each company will be given at least
two days on the range. Also, when the weather
is line, the presentation of colors will take place
some evening instead of dress parade.
It speaks well for the band, an aggregation of
thirty active young bloods, that during their recent
trip to Omaha (and it was on St. Patrick's day,
too) not a single member conducted himself othcr
wise than in the most approved manner. ( The
batallion should be proud to be associated with so
exemplary a lot of musicians.
" Ethical Culture in the College and Univer
sity" is the subject of a very interesting speech
delivered by Chancellor Canfield before the Na
tional Educational Association at Saragota last
summer. The speech is now printed in pamph
let form, and will prove instructive to any one
who will give it his careful attention.
Pocket Map of Iowa-Nebraska two states in
one cover handsomer, handier, better, than any
50 cent maps yet made; 7 colors; in strong coyer;
all countries, rivers, railroads, post-ofliccs. Cor
rect to date. Also maps of all States in same
'tyle. We mail agents any samples wanted on
it'ceipt of eight 2-cenl stamps; address the
Matthews-Northrup Co., Buffalo N. V.
F. 1. Tucker is now college agent for the "Oak
view" Hotel, Chicago. This hotel was built by
Nebraskans, is managed by Nebraskans, and will
be occupied largely by Nebraskans during the
World's Fair. The location of the hotel is ac
knowledged to be the best, as it is only seven
hundred feet from the Sixtieth street entrance to
the fair grounds. Those desiring comfortable
quarters will do well to sec Mr. Tucker at once.
The rates arc very reasonable.
There is a "Kroh" in a ba-ke-ree
And Stella is where she be;
There is a "Kroh" in a ba-kc-ree
And when 1 whistle "Aggie! Aggie!"
It won't be long 'till that "Kroh" I'll see.
For a ticket to Stella I'll buy for 111c
'Cause Stella is where she be be she!
W. M. J.
Friday Aitkrnoon.
" Friday afternoon i went home with a friend
after trying two stand on our hands and turn
hand Springs. He said he could Throw me in
indian wrassle told urn didn't Know how. Hut i
Wood try him if he Wood show me. we layd
down on our backs with Our feat toward each
others head then we locked arms, we raised our
legs which were on the inside 3 times then we
locked legs and tried to throw each other over
backwards. I went over Backwards so he Beet."
The Philomathean and Palladian Literary So
cieties have elected oiheers for the third period.
In the Philomathean, Mr. R. A. Barnes is presi
dent; Miss Maude Cleghom, secretary. The
Palladian officers are, H. G. Barber, president;
Miss Bessie Merrill, vice-president; Miss Annie
Treat, secretary; B. C. Matthews, critic; Miss
Flora Bullock, music secretary; G. N. Lewis, cor
responding secretary; W. D. Reed, treasurer;
George Steiner, historian; C. C. Marlay, sargeant-at-arms..
In the Otago Daily Times (New Zealand) lately
sent to the Chancellor by Dan H. Wheeler, of
Omaha, are contained results of examinations at
the New Zealand University. Twelve students,
men and women, secured junior scholarships;
twenty-seven passed the scholarship examinations
creditrbly, and twenty-six candidates were suc
cessful in the solicitor's law examinations. The
list of those successful in matriculation examina
tions is very long. Nearly all the names of the
successful applicants for admission are pure Eng
lish or Scotch. This is indeed a remarkable show
ing for a country only about a century old.
Mr. George Kennan, whose lecture for Feb
ruary "istwas postponed on account of his seri
ous ilfness, will appear Wednesday night, April
eth, in the Lansing theatre, under the auspices of
the Palladian Society. Mr. Kennan spoke last
year on "An East Siberian Convict Mine. His
lecture this time on "Russian Political Exiles "
will be profusely illustrated with fine stereopticon
views. Mr. Kcnnan's scholarly attainments, his
faculty of close observation, and his unrivaled
power of expression, enable him to present to the
rr.ind so vivid a picture of the state of affairs in
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