' ., , " ' a H. EVANS, President. C. C. QUIGQLE ttaaagtr. a Evans Laundry Company, 327-331 NOBTH TWELFTH STREET. We Guarantee Satisfaction in every Particular. Students' Trade Solicited. Telephone 199. G. Yates, . -1129 street- . Special Prices to University Students. BOOTS AND SHOES & -afc ggg fyotograpfjer-- Does the most artistio work to be found in the Oity. First premium at the Nebraska State Fair in 1888, 1889, and 1890. EXAMINE HIS "WORK Spoolal Bates m - - - to Students. d&fckWQwh&6ef4 MAKERS OF Also DELICIOUS ICE CREAM, Popnlw FINEST CANDIES. -Prlw. All Muds of Fancy OWna for Kent. 200 Sonth 11th St. Ice cream parlora open alter society. i.. Best Soda Water. t Telephone Ml. FOR SQUARE DEALING (Q Goto All of the Latest Styles. and Best Qualities at Lowest Prices. . jar- Jf TairFrcs , CLOTHING House U 26 O Street, Lincoln, Nob. The Students' Friend, has the Only WBffflRFIELD, Oct , First-Class 10c. Shaving and Hair Cutting Parlor. to give Him a Trial. NertheaH Cf. O t& lih Bit. GOOD CLEAN BATH ROOMS. SUJtlt JBLOOK. ML Set of Teeth for $5.00. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. NO GAS. NO CHLOROFORM. NO ETHER. All Fillings at Lowest Rates. DR. H. K. KERMAN, Surgeon Dentist, Rooms 4, 05. and OO, .Burr Eloofc. i m (i i H I n 1 &$" L A Vi