-.B --. YrtfrfArn THE HESPERIAN 15 Nothing broke in upon. the stillness snvo the regular breaths of the night ongino as it labored on in the outside darkness. "With in, the busy hum was lacking. A restless inquietude prov iled. The librarian, alone, seemed to possess her wonted quickness of perception. Continual tappings from her desk, warned unlucky lads of constant trans gressions of iron-clad rules. Sharp looks betrayed to innocent girls the solicitude with which they were being guarded. Sud denly the sweet strains of the national songs played in delectable, melodious medley struck the ears of wearied students. A hush like the grave fell over all. The pencil of the censor dropped from her hand as she sat in mute wonder listening to the soft, 8veet strains as they stole with calming power to hei ear. The music continued, eminating from a neighboring room. Strain followed upon strain. The minute hand of the clock made one revolution of the disk. Strains followed strains. The minute hand of the clock had made two revolutions of the disk. "Yankee Doodle" was succeeding the girl who had been left behind, when the librarian suddenly, collecting her senses, as tho minute hand pointed out the half of the hour of ten, struck her little gong with potency and shouted, "time." As tho students were leaving the building, one was heard to remark that, since he was a great lover of harmony, he would rather read three extra books a day in English lit erature than miss hearing the university orchestra practice their "Charter Day" selections. has crumbs all ovor tho iloor, and jelly and grease all over tho seats. Would that I were a member of tho faculty. I would tako immediate stops towards offering an oloctivo on tho art of eating. Then porhaps my seven dollar trousers would not now bo wrecks. My belonging to tho local Y. M. C. A. precludes tho possibility of expressing mysolf more cogently in this public place. Please allow me to retire, friends. All I ask is a swearing room for fifteen minutes and that you will not remember tho echoes you will presontly hear." u. -ety, " t( -ety, J ll 5 (C " ,4 ," said tho model young man of the University as ho came from one of our reci tation rooms in which the pupils, who live at some distance from the University, are wont to regale themselves with food during the noon hour. "Show mo tho dix-neufed idiot who allowed three largo globules of viscous jam and one slab of plastic butter to remain behind him, when he had finished his dinner and left tho room. This room As a rule I do not like animals, but I once had a pouy of whom I was very fond. He was a handsome little fellow, with a glossy brown coat, a very light brown, and a Roman nose and strikingly classical features. Ho had wisdom and understanding beyond the usual nature of animals. He was not conceited either, and he never forced his company upon me, though he always came at my call. Ho was a most faithful creature, he followed mo to school one day, in fact several days, which was against the rule. Ho saved my life once, too, when I was in the swim. He was the only counselor to whom I ever listened. In fact, ho was the only creature 1 ever loved deeply or trusted sincerely. His name, ho was named when I got him, was CA1US JULIUS CSAR. Literally translated. Of all the instruments that were over de vised for the misery and distress of human kind the fountain pen is the most ingenious. If you want it to "give down" it will either sullenlv hold up all tho ink or when you least expect it, delugo tho paper with its contents. I never knew one to "fount" when you wanted it to. If you give up in despair and start your manuscript in lead pencil it seems to realize that it has accom plished its purpose and will furnish ink very satisfactorily. How often I have put up mine in despair, confident that it contained no ink, and upon opening my vest find the marks of tho malignant triumph. I havo not a vest that does not bear Blains from a too confiding trust in tho fountain pen and to its sense of honor.