THE HESPERIAN 11 quotation. If ho should win the contest, the University would claim it ns her victory. If he fails to win, a movement will be, prob ably, as usual, inaugurated to have the University withdraw from the State associa tion. If more seriousness were exercised there would be no occasion for such a state of affairs. The University has felt confident of win ning too many oratorical contests. The dignified position of the University demands that the students should take more real in terest in oratory. The orator should receive tho best possible training. He should not be expected to bear tho expense. It is the duty of the Oratorical Association to give their orators liberal financial support. Pro ceeding orators were sadly neglected. It seems as if the Oratorical Association ex pects tho orator, this year, to " paddle his own canoe." The monies of the Oratorical Associations, it is suggested, should have been reserved to assist the orator in preparing for the state contest. I trust no one will say that the University would not bo benefitted thereby. The Oratorical Association was never known to have sufficient funds to train its orators as they should be trained. In my opinion, the action of the Oratorical Association was inexpedient and unwise. Other means should have been resorted to in order to secure the much needed funds for the Athletic associa tion. The stud nts of the University may not expect that ilieir orators will win state contests or succeed in expressing the ideal oratory, to any degree of perfection, so long as oratorical contests are held for the bene fit of the Athletic association. What in ducement is there offered tho student to enter an oratorical contest conducted on such a plan? None whatever. If he wins the contest, ho becomes handicapped, de serted. His only support will consist in vociferous shouts and tin horn blasts. It is sincerely hoped that, in the future, tho Oratorical Association will be more serious and consider its own interests in disposing of its funds. tt is hoped that the members of tho Ora torical association will sco to it that funds are now raised and that tho orator receives the liberal support that should by accorded him. Geo. L. Siikldok, '92. ATHLETIC. Quite a number of the foot-ball players have failed to return their suits, etc, to the custodian of the athletic association. This is" not as it should be. By this time the custodian should have every article in his possession. This prob ably is more a matter of neglect than anything else, but it is a matter that should be attended to at once. The suits are of little value to the indi viduals, but if kept by them, it will necessitate the purchase of new oneexi fall. The shoes should not only be returned, because they belong to the association, but also because they can be used by the base-ball players. A hint to the wise is suffi cient. The outlook for base-ball this season is excel lent. A large number of last year's players are still in the University, and there is plenty of ma terial with which to fill the vacant places in the team. But above all things, systematic training is needed, and now is the time to commence if the team expects to do good work. The college base-ball season necessarily opens early, and for this reason it is necessary to do most of the train ing indoors. The players should get together and settle on some time for practice. No doubt they could get the exclusive use of the gymnasium any evening. Unless this is done we cannot expect to have a team that will do justice to the Univer sity. It will be this indoor training that will give us the advantage over our adversaries, for they will, for the most part, be teams from neigboring towns. For these reasons, it behooves our base ball players to commence practicing at once and to keep it up until the last game is played. This is the only way wc can win, so let the manager and captain get their men in shape as soon as possible and victory will be ours. Last year there was considerable talk of organ izing a boating crew. Why the plan was not carried out is hard to lell. This is a branch of athletics that should be looked after; all our eastern colleges have crews, some of which have a world-wide reputation. At present there is no reason why a crew should not be organized. The managers of Burlington Beach have offered us the free use of a boat. This certainly is a most liberal offer and we should be willing and anxious to ac cept it. If we expect to do anything in this line, some immediate action should be taken. Effect an organization as soon as possible, and then when the season opens we will be ready for active work. No doubt, there are a large numbervho I. : 1 i i a ih if a R 9-4