THE HESPERIAN Tho tortuous limestone roads, now dipping now rising, tho abutting fields parcelled out into long, narrow, stringy strips, planted with hardy grain or hardier flax, now and then brokon by patches of rod-headed pop pies and luxuriously growing hemp have not succeeded in attracting many strangers. Tho villages and little towns hanging sleepily on mountain slope or nestled in valley nook seemingly have an abiding charm only for him, who, when a child, trudged his sled up to the one to have a magnificent slide down to tho other; yes, clear down to tho old Rathaus. -x- Tho collection of large farm houses largo, for tho Bauer shelters his stock and his agricultural products under the same roof that shelters him stands closely crowd ed together, facing tho winding streets. Tho latter usually make for some neighboring hamlet or settlement. Tho houses, half wood, half stone, usually graced on tho out side with scriptural texts or image of saint, perhaps oven of the trinity, and covered with an ample projecting red-tile roof, are ranged longitudinally along tho highway. In winter there is the merry clatter of. tho Hail from many a threshing floor. In sum mer the tourist is almost overcome by the deathlike stillness brooding over this Sleepy Hollow. Man, woman and children, except those in the kindergarten, aro then out in tho fields bearing tho heat and tho burdens of the day. Even the artisan, who at other seasons stands at forge or work bench, at turning lay or weaver's loom has been pressed into service in tho JTomescL Their wives and daughters, nimbly though they wield the sickle, are unable to cope with tho ln this region, as indeed in many other parts of Germany ,the old custom of compulsory rota tion of crops still obtains. By this arrangement the lands lying around and belonging to the vil lages, are divided into three approximately equal parts, each called Esch. Thus there is the Korn-Esch) where, for the season, grain or cereals are grown. The Brach-Esch or fallow lands; the Kartoffel-Esch, in which vegetable and other small farming is carried on. The following sea son the fallows are cultivated and another third of the land is allowed to recuperate. pressing work. Tho oarly matin boll (Bet seit) had found many a group of harvesters at their post, a mile or two from tho village. Toward evening heavily loaded wagons, decked with hemlock boughs, and drawn by largo oxen, bring homo tho day's labor. And no wonder the yield is bountiful: for tho village priost has headed the solemn procession and has borne tho blessed sacre mont about tho growing fields to ward off hail, flood and tempest. Tho quarrel botweon neighbor and neighbor has been settled, tho choir trained to altar-service lent their voices and tho village maidens carried consecrated tapers; hence tho plenti ful harvest. Much land is still hold in common. That is, there is a system of communal land-holding by which every member of a commune cr parish has the usufruct of a certain por tion of tho public domain. Those shares aro apportioned periodically and by lot, tho poorer and the . well-to-do classes partici pating equally. Some pasture, some meadow and, usually, enough firewood being included in the uBuergerrecht' tho problem of exist ence is materially lightened. The Black For est people thus continue the system of joint ownership of land, which thoy inherited from their ancestors, the Alemanni or rather tho Suovi. Not only in their economical and social arrangements do these people conserve the old and protest against the new, but in their ap parel and speech tho same tendencies are manifest. The language of to-day is prac tically that of the time of Walter von dor Vogelweide or the Niebelungenbards. This, despite the fact that in school, church and courts of justice literary Gorman is used. This conservatism is striking when it is re membered that tho difference between tho two idioms tho Middle High Gorman and tho modern literary German is as great or greater, than between tho English of Chaucer and Tennyson. Occasionally an unlucky innovator ventures to employ tho High Ger man, but the sturdy mountaineers deprecate