Mens New Pa.ll Suits. t m,n, I I ft 1 II II WE open the Fall Business with a now lino of Fino Suits, unequalled for workmanship and quality and never before equalled by ourselves for Low Prices. Make a com parison, if you please, of our Prices and Quality of Goods with other houses, and you will readily see how yon can got Fine Goods from us fully 25 per cent cheaper than elsewhere. FOR $10.00 The stranger, citizen or visitor who puts himself in possession of our nice Scotch Oassimcro Worsted or Indigo Blue suits at this price, will get a big value. Fall and "Winter weights, in Sacks and Frocks. FOR $12.00 We'll sell you Sack or Frock suits in Oassimeros, Cheviots in Black and "Various Shades Worsteds, Diagonals or Corkscrews, well made and stylish garments in every respect. FOR $15.00 Gives you choice from an Elegant "Variety of Fine Imported Black Cheviots, Silk Mixed Oassimeros, Corkscrews, Meltons, etc., in Sacks and Frocks, regular Custom Made, Custom Fitting, at Half Custom Prices. GENTLEMEN: You'll need a. Medium Weight or Top Coat. Choose from our Gigantic Stock, and we'll fit you with eacc, no matter what your size. We show Good, Light and Heavy Weight Overcoats at $5, $8, and $10; and as fine as you want at $12, $15 and $18, all the Fashion able Shades and Colors. Its to Your Loss if you invest a dollar in a Suit or Overcoat before taking a look at our stock. Full Line of Boys' and Children's Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, etc., etc., Betttna.n 3c Co., WHOLESALE AND EETAIL. LEADERS OF LOW PEICES. 1023-0.031 O STEEET. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS GIVEN TO STUDENTS. IlNGOfcN (AL: (MPANY, PHONE 440 ANTnitAGITE, GANOX CITY, BOCK Sl'JlIXOS, OUIO JiLOCK JUl'ITlSIt. , sOAIH' I04S O Street. A. T. LEM1NG & CO. Booksellers and Stationers Artistic Paper Hanffinffs, Mouldings, Window Shades, Fancy Goods, Photographers' 1106 O STREET, and Artists' Materials. LINCOLN, NEB Teachers Go-Operative Association ""SSS E8n'H?Jj!?.Jf?4- Positions filled, 2300. Seeks Teachers wl are ambitious for advancement rather than those without positions.