The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, February 15, 1893, Page 13, Image 13

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Mrs. Lease's son, the boy orator of the plains, Harvard is able to beat Yale in the platform if
was badly beaten in the State University orator- not upon the field. The joint debate between the
ical contest at Lawrence, standing next to last, two colleges upon the question of "limitinc rail-
The subject of his oration was the "Destiny of the road corporations in the United States by farther
Jew." College Life. legislation," was decided in favor of Harvard
Here's a new wrinkle in college athletics, whose debates were upon the negative side.
Vincent Carter of Franklin college in Indiana, prmc n ; ; i i r
was injured while playing as a member of the Th JSil , 1 ? i" J . cltcm1cnt
foot-ball team. He now sues the athletic associa- Xce but now , Ji "hv T V U,at
lion for $10,000 damages. Srina nf Zw8i 1 1 Y nm.cel,?neouj
H ' b wearing oi mother hubbards. campaign suits and
the fin du siecle girl. Oxford gowns. The seniors began it, but it is
"What is the formula, professor, Pretty evident the faculty will be needed to end the
For maidens 'up to date ?' " matter. An account may be found in Tuesday's
The wise man smiled and quickly wrote, Hawkcyc. Vidctte Reporter.
"S S F '08 1"
y Josiah's home from college,
The students of the University of Michigan And he's a perfect sight !
meet every Saturday morning for the purpose of He's bin pursuing knowledge
singing college songs. The Daily does not want A settin' up at night.
any of the alumni to leave their alma mater with- His jaw to black is turnin'
out having learned the university song. An' the swellin' on his cheek
"Ere long the wind will whistle, ShSvs what x they is,in. learnin'
But let us all be gay How t0 the words m Greek.
It cannot whistle 'Comrades,' " The " oshitigton Star.
Nor'Ta,ra, boom-der-ay."' Liule Girl (looking over advertising page)-
-t,x' Mamma, why do all these boarding houses object
"Pray, what may mean this mystic scroll?" to children?
Said she, the Vassar pert, Fond Mamma I'm sure I don't know. Go
"Why, one part saint and one part sage see what the baby is yelling about, and tell
And ninety-eight a flirt !" Johnny to stop throwing stones at people in the
The Wiseacre. street, and make George and Kate stop fighting,
The yell or the theologues at DePauw Univer- an(? tel1 Dick if h d?e fstP ."SS fthat
sity is novel, to say the least. It runs as follows: ,C.hines Sn& so hard I '11 take it away from
"Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah, the gospel does away him.-ZW Public Opinion.
with the lay; we're the Logs of old DePauw, a The University of Michigan granted 699
greater school none ever sawl Amen." Ex. diplomas last commencement, an increase of 79
Jack and Jill went up the hill over the list of 1891. The graduates were dis-
To get their college paper; tributed through the various departments as fol-
Jack said, "Sis, let's pay for this," lows:
And Jill said, ''That's the caper. Ex. Dept'ment of Literature,Science and the Arts... 190
The business manager of The Hesperian Department of Medicine and Surgery 112
would be pleased to see Jack and Jill. Department of Law 311
. School of Pharmacy 30
Johns Hopkins, the founder of the university Homoeopathic Medical College J7
inat bears his name, entered Baltimore nineteen College of Dental Surgery 39
years of age with sixty-two cents in his pocket, Daily Polo Alia.
and died worth seven millions of dollars. He
worked harder to make the first thousand than he A joke is going the rounds of the University
did to make all the rest. Ex. how the three-year-old daughter of Professor H.,
n. r r . 1. .x. 4. of Cornell, cruelly scorched Chicago in a most
nJru ' omtmen r cata"h tha.1 conta.irs original and awful manner. It happened in this
mercury, a somewhat suggestive sign which The Professor had been appointed to a
S m iUr eXchangeS' K Ti chair in the great University of Chicago, and was
contains mercury, there are many poor mortals &bout his wife and famiI for his
ho could grow extremely opulent by turning ch The household goods had all been
themselves into quicksilver mines. packed ad the Professor was t0 take the train on
We acknowledge the receipt of the University the morning following. His little daughter had
of Chicago Weekly. Its last number contains an started to say her evening prayers but suddenly
article upon the "Whiskers of Columbus." As gave up in despair, concluding suddenly by ex-
we have recently heard of a man lecturing upon claiming: "And now, dear God, good-bye, for
the "Politics of the Lord's Prayer," we were not to-morrow we leave for Chicago." U. of C.
at all astonished at the Spaniard's beard. Weekly.
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