THE HESPERIAN 11 aloft by friends of the decoased. Tlio cofiln .. itsolf, mado just a fow hours ago from n fov pine boards, is painted black, thus sotting off tho largo white cross or palm of victory or scriptural text. Tho village youth is hand ing the procession and chanting tho funeral dirgo as well as tho more hopeful: Aufor xtchn,jaufersteh'nwirst du" of Klopstock. The yard around tho church is surrounded by a strong wall, serving in olden days for a defense against bodily enemies, just as be ing laid away in tho shadow of tho church defends against tho onomy of souls. Had we been a little oarlior wo could have seen, drawn up before the house of mourning, the relatives and nearest friends; their sym pathizing neighbors coming on in single file, taking each by the hand as a token of re gard to tho deceased. To be buried without "Sang und Klang," without chant of school youth or tolling of bell is a punishment akin to tho old process of excommunication, only visited upon suicides or apostates from the Orthodox Church. x- There is scarcely a family in this region that has not some member, father, son or daughter hero in America. Within the last two decades great numbers of those sturdy Foresters have left their native pines and have given their strength to the up-building of the new "West. Over and over again the youth of some twenty summers has concluded that, after all, tho wide world could afford to deal moro generously with him than his native hills. Often and often tho roadsides and tho mountain-passes have re-echoed with tho semi-dialectical: Muss i denn, muss i denn zum Staedtlo hinaus Staedtlo hinaus, Und du, moi Schatz bleibst hior? Woim i komm', wonn i komin' wonn i wiedorum komm' Wiederum komm', Kohr' i oi, moi Schatz, boi dir. Laueenoe Fosslee. I JS2CEQUT1 VJS JEXOWPTS ON THE 00UKTKSY OK ATTENTION. It is not very dillicult to extend sympathy to tho neglected, and only a churl will re fuse to aid thoso who aro maltreated and abused. ,Tust a word, then, in behalf of thoso unfortunates who aro so misguided by their kindly fooling and spirit of accommo dation as to consent to render music num bers on university programs. Tho evening comes, and tho work is done and well done at that. It has called for several hours of careful preparation, the keen night air has been faced or even a storm braved, tho player has nerved himself or herself to the strain of publicity and the dread of imperfect work and subsequent criticism only to find an audience thor oughly absorbed in itself. The whispers multiply, then become undertones, and thon tho hum of conversation actually masters all other sounds. The player is as completely alone and isolated as though there wore no others present. Here and there in tho audi ence a few friends, or a fow lovers of music, make a faithful effort to catch tho theme and note rendition, but in vain. The voices all about them, the flutter of fans and tho uneasy rustle of garments, the shifting of feet and tho creaking of seats as the occu pa ts turn to each other for further gossip all combine to entirely shut out tho concord of sounds from tho instrument, and to wall off the best efforts of the performer. As tho music ceases, some one near the plat form becoming aware of tho fact, quite acci dentally, begins the stereotyped applause; which is taken up in a perfunctory way by others and tho next number is called. If any adequate excuse has over been offered for this peculiar and aggravated form of rudeness on tho part of otherwise polite people, tho writer has never heard of it. Concerning the whole matter at question there may be stated a fow truths that seem self-evident. If music numbers aro not en joyable aro not wanted, thon they should not appear on tho program. If tho fault lies in an habitually poor choice of performers,