The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, February 01, 1893, Page 7, Image 7

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his country's history. The United States,
among the youngest of nations, is yet fore
most in the march toward an ideal civiliza
tion and government. The influence of the
United States as that of no other nation has
made the international rules and practices of
war more humane and Christian. The
United States to-day stands before the
world, the chief advocate of international
arbitration. Wo can but regret her unfor
tunate dealings with China. But much may
yet be done. Let us who believe- our treat
ment of China is wrong raise our voices in
protest against it. Let us who believe our
law is unjust petition Congress to repeal it.
Let us who love our country see to it that
upon its banner emblematic of the spirit
which shall characterize our dealing with all
the world is enscribed the word "Justice."
In accordance with r. request from one of
the editors of the Hesperian, I submit the
following notes on the University Museum
for the February number.
To write anything descriptive of the
museum seems absurd, for its doors are open
at all times of the day and visitors are al
ways welcome to step in and form their own
opinions concerning what they see. Yet a
few words may not be out of place, if by
way of apology for some impressions that
may bo formed. The apology will be, not
for lack of material in the room, nor for
want of labor in building up such a nucleus
of a museum, nor for the fact that some of
the best collections, amounting to something
like 14,000 in value, have been loaned or
donated to the University within the past
two years; but for the fact that the museum,
along with the rest of the University, has
grown'to such an extent that it seems like a
big fifteen-year-old boy clad in the garments
of a ten-year-old. Nearly all of the growth
is recent. In fact, even members of the
present junior class can remember the
museum as it was in the room, now occupied
by the library, the rickety cases, the few
birds, animals, shells and minerals, all cov-
orod with dust. Now, after walking about
among tho cases on tho first floor of the
museum, ono cannot help an exclamation of
astonishment at what has boon accomplished,
and no ono can bo more surprised than the
Every case is full and more than full. The
birds are all crowded together on tho north
side of the room. Geese, cranes, quails,
hawks, sparrows, Mexican, South American
and Nebraska birds are all crowded together
without a possibility of systematic arrange
ment. Tho four improvised cases in the
middle of the room contain material that can
not be properly displayed in less than three
times as many cases. The set of fishes pre
sented by tho Smithsonian institution in
the first of these cases to tho left of the en
trance needs six times a? much room, to say
nothing of more suitable exhibition jars. In
the same case is a valuable collection of
fishes, amphibians and reptiles, made by
Prof. Brunei' during his trip to Mexico a
year ago, which can scarcely be said to be
displayed at all. A valuable collection of
Nebraska fishes is packed away in a few
museum jars for want of exhibition jars and
room to put them in. In the bird case at
tho north of the room is one of the most in
congruously situated pieces in tho museum.
It is a gigantic crazy bone of a prehistoric
elephant placed in the bird case for want of
a better place for it. Dr. Everett's fine col
lection of Indian relics has been arranged as
well as possible under the crowded circum
stances, on the west side of tho gallery.
Many very interesting pieces belonging to it
have been tucked into other cases in the
gallery and below wherever a corner could
be found. The Glen collection of Indian
relics containing over a thousand arrow
points that cannot be displayed so as to be
of use to the student and instructive to vis
itors in less than three times as much space,
has been placed in a single case on the
south side of the gallery. The Marshall
Oberlies coin collection has been given a
place in a case of shells and minerals. Hon.
Patrick Egan's Peruvian mummies have