Corner I Oth and P Streets- DEPARTMENT .-' STORE. Headquarters in Lincoln for Dress Goods, No tions, Linens, Domestics, Hosiery, Underwear and Shoes. Lowest Prices and Prompt Service. Over 1200 fe?n VsK w twMtiXPrw w"WJm V ' v ,jjuj BICYCLES in stock. Now nnd second hand. ChmIi or time. A.W.GUMP & C0.r PAYTON, OHIO. Send for list. AOF.NTS W'ANTHD. cycles. Guns and Typewriters taken In Exchange. pV DT HP A T The Only Strictly First-Class Eating House in the city CAFE ft. UMACQUAINTEO WITH THE GEOORAPIIY 0FTHI3 COUIITM WILL OBTAIN UUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF TIII3 MAP OF THE desired Information or address JOHN SEBASTIAN, Gen'l Tkt. fc Pass. Agt.. 121 NORTH ELEVENTH STREET. CHAS. W. BRANDHORST, Prop. CMcap, Eock Islanft & Pacific Ry Tbe Direct Routo to mid fiom CHICAGO, HOCK ISLAND, DAVENPORT, DES MOINES, COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, LINCOLN, WATERTOWN, BIOUX FALLS, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL, ST. JOSEPH. ATCHISON, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS CITY, TOPEICA, DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS, and PUEBLO. Free Reclining Chair Cars lo and from CHICAGO, CALDWELL, HUTCHINSON and DOUGH CITY, nnd Palace Sleeping Curs between CHICAGO, WICHITA und HUTCHINSON. SOLID VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS of Tlirotij-h Coaches, Sleepers, Free Reclining Clmlr V?" nnd DlnltiK Cats dally between CHICAGO. DES ),ISE-S C0UN1L BLUFFS, OMAHA nn.l LIN n?Mi. .n.n'1 'etwwn CHICAGO nnd DENVER. COLORADO SPRINGS nnd PDEHLO vln St. Joseph, or kaii.y city and Tonckn. Exclusions dnlly, with tliolce of ltoutoi to ami from Salt LnUe, Poitland, Los AnKchs nnd San Francisco. The Dliect Lino to and from P ke's Peak, Manltou, Garden of the Gods, the Sanitariums, and Scenic Grandeurs of Colorado. Via The Albert Lea Route, Fast rxincss Train dnlly between Chicago and M mien polls nnd St. Paul, with THROUGH Reclining ... JrUra !:. U'E, to nnd from those points and Kan iwiltyu . I'T"1.11 c,ml1" r nnd Sleeper between 1 enrln. Spirit I.nko and Sioux Falls vln Rock iHlnml. .,. i,n,t' L,ne t0 Wntcrtown. Sioux Falls, the theN 'tl " ' 1UlU1"K nml I,lBU,,,S Gioumls of nn'fc.1"'1 J,PS- Elders, or PPly to any Coupon Ticket OITlce, E. ST. JOHN, Gen'l Manager, Scientific American Agency for L3L in i m,m CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, cto. For Information and freo Handbook writo to MUNN & CO.. CGI UltOADWAY, NEW YOUK. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America,. Every patent taken out by us Is brought beforo tlio public by a notlco given, f rco of charge In tho Largest circulation of any sclcntlflo paper In tho world. Splendidly Illustrated. No Intelligent man should bo without It. Weoklr.83.OOa year; $1.60 six months. Address MfJNN &C0., I'uuusuEns, 301 Hroadway, Now York City. Lincoln District Telegraph Company OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. OHIOAOO, ILL, Reliable Messengers Express Wagons Baggage Wagons TOkrs8 Delivered At Low Rates Office Cor. lOtn and O Sts. Telephone 190. i M I 1 i i