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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1893)
10 TI1E HESPERIAN It may not be generally known that credit is given this year for chorus work. There are two choruses in active operation here now under the leadership of Prof, and Mrs. Menzendorf. The elementary chorus meets every Tuesday evening, the advanced every Thursday evening from 5 to 6 o'clock. Both choruses are large but not as large as they should be, and it is desirable that more should register for the advanced chorus. Bassos especially are wanted. Those who sing bass and those who do not should endeavor to do so by joining the chorus at once. There is no reason why we should not have a chorus that will make the arc light in the chapel flicker every time it sings. Professor Easterday in conjunction with the band is endeavoring to organize a glee club to aid him in the band concert which will be sprung upon the public sometime in the near future. The efforts of Professor Easterday and the band in the concert given two years ago were so suc cessful that the experiment will be tried again. The glee club will consist of male voices (accom panied by their owners) and the number is un limited. The singers in the band will be selected first, then any one who has a good voice and is slightly versed in the songsters' art. It is the in tention of the professor to make this glee club outdo the former one, and no one need be at all modest about applying for admission. Good voices and prospective good voices are wanted. Apply immediately to the committee, Oberlies, Pizey or Frank Brown, for admission. POJNTERS. Stop at Manley's, all kinds of fruits, a good line of cigars. Say. ? Have you tried Barr's Club at 323 N 13th street. Try tlv.; Northwestern's new train for Chicago. The very best. Students can get $4.00 cabinets at the Eclipse Studio for $2.00. Edward Cerf& Co., 925 0 street, dealers in clothing and dry goods. When your shoes need repairing take them to Walt's, under Burr block. Chicago Gallery, 1034 0. Cabinet work per doz. $3.00. Students $2.50. Students should call for coupon books, and buy shoes of Ed. G. Yates, 11 29 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Dr. L. Wente, dentist. Dentistry in all its branches, according to all approved methods. Office, 135 South nth. Bought, sold or exchanged : Second-hand books, U. of N. books a specialty, at Lincoln Book Exchange, 119 North 12th street. Be sure and get one of our boxes of candy be fore you go home for the holidays. Sutton & Hollowhusii. Students can get a special discount at the Y. M. C. A. Hat and Men's Furnishing Goods Store. Gardner & Bumstead, Lindell Hotel. We have opened the finest oyster parlors in the city. Come and see us. Sutton & Hollowhusii. The Hesperian management has purchased the remaining copies of The Sombrero and will offer one copy of the annual with The Hesperian for the second semester for one dollar. This is a great bargain and you cannot afford to miss it. See C. L. Tallmadge at once. For Cloaks, Underwear, DressGoods, Carpets, Millinery, Toys, and Presentation Goods of all kinds, see Herpolsheimer & Co., cor. 12th and N sts., Lincoln. Buying and selling in large quan tities for cash only, they are enabled to sell you good goods at the lowest. If you have friends out of town, leave their names with this house and they will mail their fine new catalogue, ex press charges paid, to any part of the west. CLERGYMEN, ATTENTION. The B. & M. will issue for 1893, half fare permits, good on all Burlington route lines, to regularly ordained or licensed ministers or miss ionaries engaged solely in religious work. It is our desire that these permits be in the hands of clergymen by the first of the year. Application should therefore be made as early as possible either at our depot or city office, corner 0 and Tenth streets. A. C. Ziemer, C. P. & T. Agent. When you are ready for your new dress or cloak or hat or set of furs, go to Herpolsheimer S: Co., corner 1 2th and N streeet, who have thelarg est stock at the lowest prices. Fine dressmaking at reasonable prices. This house is headquarte.s on carpets, curtains, dolls, toys, presentations and art goods of every description. ii