u THE HESPERIAN boforo my examinations saying, "Tomorrow wo meet again zuni "WtifFenknmpf." He maintained tho strictest discipline in his semi nar work and one youth who failed to report or to explain his absence was expelled from the seminar. Boforo Maurenbrcchor pro nounced tho final sentence, the matter was thoroughly discussed and we agreed that that was tho proper course to take. Ho was very much interested in the United States and hoped some day to visit our country. His wife was born in England and he under stood English although he spoke it but little. Maurenbrcchor generally had one or more American students in his seminar and large numbers of them listened to his lectures. I appreciate more each year the benefit that I derived from my work with him and feel less inclined to criticise. In fact I am ready to modify the opinion that I expressed in 1SS9, so far at least as it applies to European His tory, and to rnte the work of the German university much higher than I rated it then. Fred Morrow Fling. President Harper, of Chicago University, has offered to allow the Yerkes telescope to be situ ated at Lake Forest, a suburb of Chicago, if the school there will become the preparatory depart ment of the Chicago University. The citizens of Lake Forest are strenuously objecting to what they call the lowering of the standard of their in stitution; but the probabilities are that, as the directors of the Lake Forest school are willing, the telescope will be located there. The reason for taking the telescope out of Chicago at all is the fact that the great amount of smoke perpetu ally floating over the city would make astrono mical observations impossible. There is a tendency for college papers to fill up vacant space in the columns with short quotations from th . monthly magazines, and with mentions of the n imcs of the leading articles in these pub lications. Where the students of a college do not have access to the magazines, this policy may be all right, but when a paper comes from a large in stitution whose library contains all the periodicals this scheme of finding almost ready-made copy for the paper should be done away with. Athletics in American colleges are fast coming into the hands of professionals. The University of Pennsylvania has recently secured a salaried manager to look after its athletic interests. When this becomes a general custom the much be prajsed good that athletics do the student body as a whole will vanish forever. EXCHANGE. The space in a paper that is "up to the times" is too valuable to be used in printing second hand material, that is so generally distributed as is that which appears in our monthly magazines. The ninth annual oratorical contest of Maker University has been held. The winning orator's name is Rice. His friends, in order to celebrate his victory, amused themselves by throwing large quantities of rice over the audience. We hear of one college paper in the east that is congratulating itself because the students at the university at which it is published do not, as a rule, wear standing collars. Truly, the "star of empire " has given the east the cold shoulder. "We notice from the Wesleyan Echo that inter est in oratorical matters at the Illinois Wesle)an University is almost at a standstill. This state of affairs seems to be the exception instead of the rule, however, this season. Nearly all the ex changes state that oratory is flourishing. The printer's devil must bear a grudge against this column. In our last issue occurred an error which we lament exceedingly. The last line of a portion of one paragraph was cut off and placed at the very commencement of the column. It was not our mistake, it was the devil's. Please have mercy upon him, for he was only working at his trade. She "I am so afraid of you college editors."' He "Why, are we so bad?" She "No, but there is no telling when you are going to press." Hamilton Review. This ancient chestnut is again going the rounds of the exchanges. Tin exchange editors are probably endeavoring t make several opportunities for them to do the press act themselves. We are wholly unacquainted with the operation, but if any of the coeds wish t teach us how, we are willin'. The brainy heads of the various classes of 'o are being troubled by the question, "shall wc adopt caps and gowns." If wc are not mistaken more thought will be given this important subjei t than will be given to studies. It is our opinio that these sombre habits of the senior are rem nants of costumes that were worn during tlu middle ages. No ambitious senior who does no. wish to look like the rampant shadow of death should crawl into one. There seems to be a general uprising in Illinois over the fact that the book publishers are robbing the people. Bills upon bills are before the legis lature looking to a reduction in the price of school books. Some of the papers state that Illinoians are compelled to pay over twice as much for books as the people of Indiana. The reason is that the state of Indiana prints its own books. Illinois has a legislature that recently voted to establish a supervisor of ventilation. What it will do about the book troubles can only be surmised. i w Ul