II. EVANS, President. C C. QUIGGLE, Manager. Evans Laundry Company, 327-331 NORTH TWELFTH STREET. We Guarantee Satisfaction in every Particular. Students' Trade Solicited. i& Telephone 199. Ed. G. Yates, - &- BOOTS and SHOES Special Prices to University Students. 0ta&?t. fotograpler.- Does the most artistic work to be found in ..the City. First premium 4at the Nebraska State FaiFin 188, 1889, and 1800. 2 r f H EXAMINE HIS WORK Sp6.0l?.IS"swaentti. &foj2(e&uAd MAKERS OF Also DELICIOUS ICE CREAM, Popular FINEST CANDIES. Prices. All kinds of Fancy China for Rent. 206 South. 11th St, Icecream parlorsopenafterBOcloty. Heat Soda Water. c Telephone 681. FOR SQUARE DEALING- All of tho Latest Styles and Best Qualities at Lowaet Prioes. jj t &. -!' 1SAKERS !& , CLOTHING House 1 1 25 O Street, Lincoln, Neb " rr.imi mi u.-il- iiv n?i . . fTTU Clnilnnfnl T,tH Ofl r irm J. lit) oluucuuo xuiuiiu, n m .Ek &Eb?LjMi has tho Only- i ForBet First-Class 10c. Shaving and Hair Cutting Parlor. GOOD CLEAN BATH ROOMS. Don to give Him a Trial. Xovlheaat Cor. O and 18th Sts jixmn vzook. Full Set of Teeth for 15.00. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIR NO GAS. NO CHLOROFORM. NO ETHER, DR. H. K. KERMAN, Surgeon Dentist. All Finings at Lowest Rates. Rooms 94, 95, and 90, Burr Block. II :i ,l. : t i; t i it I II !" IM