f, W. WINGER & CO 1109 O STREET. a Wu lmvu in block au elegant line of DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, UNDERWEAR aufl HOSIERY. "'WAc0" ALWAYS THE CHEIiPEST. a OjltjT-i jl.:ntd See TJs. Telephone 934, 100 South eleventh Street, WHITEBREAST COAL AJB LIME CO. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. J NO. T. DOKG-AN, - Secretary and Blanngor. BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY 1337 O Street. TS1. 764. THE LINCOLN BAKERY! The Finest Line of A. T. SEELEY.Prop. Confectionery in the city. Wo do not offer speolal prlcos to students But we guarantee our prices to be lower than Those who do. We have a large stock of Underwoar, Holsery, Gloves etc, For Ladles and Gentlemen Which we invito you to inspeot. MILLER & PAINE, 133-139 SOUTH ELEVENTH. LINCOLN NORTH WEST EAST Purchase Ticket and consign your freight via the P. E. & M. V. rr S. C. & P. RAILROADS. OfTrre Huncrinr facilities for ncqulrinu a knnwledg ol book-ki eplne, penmanship rapid calculations, uu-.un.-n nmumcuu, cuininereini law, Fliori-naua, tyi-wrimiK, correspondence, and telegraphy. Fur circulars address, D. R. ULLIBKInQE, tret., Llscoln, Neb. R. G. Burt, General Agent. K. C. Morshoosk, J. R. Buchanan, General Freight Agent. General Passenger Arn OMAHA, NEBR. webster & rogers, BDDTShiSHDES Always Latest Styles and Lowest Prices to be found with us. 1043 O STREET. &. 1207 0 St. OPP. BURR BLOCK. HfU. lUUNG keeps the Largest Line k' "S. X of PERIODICALS in the City. AP S.J ., gp. $