14 THE HESPERIAN another handful of literary crumbs from the scar let and cream salver by his side, " I'll be flam boozled if any one can put any reliance in these press reports." " Here I went to all the trouble of culling over the old dispatches and made up my little report about the annual athletic meet ing, and now, I find that the reporter lied. I'll be " Here the door suddenly opened, and the dimin utive funny poet came in. A Columbian breeze rushed through the doorway and struck the S. E. R. with such direful effect that he quivered dread fully. Seeing this the diminutive funny poet got out his syringe and after making a thirteen-dol-lar cut in his confreres arm, he hypodermically injected a musical notelet into his vascular sys tem. This had a fitful effect upon the S. E. R.' ho gave a clutch, a moan and expired. "Punk,', said the diminutive funny poet as he turned the S. E. R. over, and picked the burrs from his clothes preparatory to placing him in an un known grave, "show me the pinkety-punked idiot that says special features and a borrowed cut make a newspaper." This year seems to be, above all others, the year for "scraps." The "frats" and "barbs" are having it out in no gentle manner and the Catho lics and anti-Catholics are fencing with vitupera tive pens. Some of the college papers are filled to the brim with the matter that savors so little of culture and refinement thai one might sup pose it to come from a company of educated savages. The fraternity question is nearly al ways settled as a local issue. What pertains to one college will not always pertain in the same way to another. In a local fight biiter personali ties will be indulged in; it is impossible to avoid them. But in the general fight, barbarian against fraternity, this petty quibblingand caviling should be done away with. It is not necessary to keep up this continual strife among college papers. A fraternity organ swears that it believes on way; a "barb" organ is so sure that the other way is correct that it calls its opponent a liar. And what good is done? The printer is kept from starvation's door. This, in our opinion, is the only good that can accrue from these intercol legiate newspaper scraps. We should all en deavor to be philanthropic, but should not let our. energy be thrown away for useless purposes. If the "barbarian" expects to win let him stop scrapping and go to working. Let him make his side of the question the right one and the one most tenable. Throwing aside all useless argu ment, let him confine himself to proofs. If he does so, in the race for supremacy, he will keep on leading the van. LOCALS. All hail the exams, Attend the local contest. Hope you had a merry Christmas. Skating parties are now all the rage. It may be Weeks before you will see her. "I would like. to read itfor its historical value." Hibbard. Ben Butler died January nth at his home in Washington. Manager Talmadge was down to Kansas City for a day or so. G. H. Hall has left school. He will be with us again next fall. Rev. Chapin conducted chapel services the first three days of last week. Mr. Gingery of Dorchester, has been visiting his daughters, Misses Grace and Maud. Prof. Wightman is without doubt the best skater in the University. Prof. Hussey is a close second. Mr. McGraw. who was struck by an engine and severely injured some days ago, is reported slowly improving. Prof. Caldwell's paper on American history before the State Teachers' association was much appreciated. A large number of new students will take up work in the University at the beginning of the second semester. We are glad to learn that Prof. Bates, who is suffering with an attack of typhoid-malaria, is somewhat better. The junior and senior classes of the Seward high school went through the University buildings Thursday morning. One of the legislators as he viewed the devil's corkscrew in the museum: "Gosh, it looks like a petrified well-augur." A new time schedule board has been placed in position and it is desired that every student will give it immediate reference. The annual Chase & Wheeler contest of the Palladian society will be held in the chapel on the evening of January 21st. The Union Society have new draperies in their hall The curtains are very tasty and greatly im prove the appearance of the hall. Prof. Owens very kindly sat up with Prof. Bates last week. As his patient made decided improvement that night he felicitates himself upon his gbod nursing powers. There will be no examination of the classes in European History. The daily class room work and topics for special .preparation will take the place of the final examinations. Mrs. Waples, of North Platte, a near relative of W. V. Hoagland, died at North Platte the 9th inst. She was buried in Lincoln.