A Close Cuit. While the little fellow is trimming his toes, THE HUB is pruning the prices on Overcoats. Nice Stylish Coats can now be -:- :: bought at $8, $7,50, $8.50 and $10 in either Sack or Ulster styles. All colors and shades to select from. Buy now, while selection is good and price low! & V 104-106 North Tenth Street. THE HUB. L.BLUMENTHAL e flbracttcal Dattet .209 N. 11th Street. Hats Cleaned, Dyed, Blacked and Shaped to the Head. Ladies' Plush Cloaks steamed and refitted. SUBSCRIBE FOE THE Nesp enan $1.00 PEE YEAE. $&- o 1207 O St. OPP. BURR BLOCK. ED. YOUNG keeps the Largest Line N of Jf JiKLUDlUAivO in the Uty. s&t R ' & m nnnamnevggg,