J , W. WINSER & CD, 1109 O STREET. l,plir.nVnlo?ran DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, UNDERWEAR and HOSIERY. EvtSSS ou OHLJlllltUllOOI DJUJUUU UUUUMj UUUUIVU) ALWAYS THE CHEHPEST. Q OJ-XjILi .AJOTD SEE TJs. fj , . Irpliono 234. 100 South Eleventh St root, WHITEBREAST COAL 2 LIME CO. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. ,JNO. T. D0RGA3ST, Secretary and Manager. IJAKERT AND CONFECTIONERY 1337 O Street. T3. 764. THE -LINCOLN BAKERY The Finest Line of j A. T. SEELEY.Prcp. Confectionery in the city. We do not offer special prices to students 13.it we guarantee our prices to be lower than Those who do. We have a large stock of Underwear, Hoisery, Gloves eto., For Ladies and Gentlemen Which we invite you to inspect. MIHEE & PAINE, 133-139 SOUTH ELEVENTH. NORTH WEST EAST Purchase Tickets and consign your Insight via tho F. E. & M. Y. -" S. C. & ?. RAILROADS. Z- QjfaiWi LTN'COLN tflSqjft ft&fitC Offers superior fncllitics for acquiring a knowledge pi book-keeping, penmanship rapid calculations. Dusincs anthmctlc. cnmmprMnl Invr stmri. hand, lype-wruiug, cnrrespoiidence, and telegraphy, tiuuutuittreauunxa, u. tt. LdLiLIUltlllGK, Ires, Lincoln, knu. ' R. G. Burt, General Agent. K. C. Morehouse, J. R. Buchanan, General Freight Agent. General Passenger A OMAHA, NEBR. webster & rogers, BQDTSjlSHDES Always Latest Styles and Lowest Prices to be found with us. 1043 O CTRRBT. McKRTHUR St SON Burr Block, Twelfth and 0 Streets. perfumes toilet articles soa.ps stationery Prescription Work Our Specialty. COMB -S.1TX3 SEE "CTS-