m Lincoln savings Bank and Safe Deposit Co. CAPITAL., $250,000. LIABILITY OF STOCKHOLDERS, $500,000., f Interest pnld on depoMt at thp rato of five per cent por nnmim for nil full cnlcndnr month. Sato to rent In hurxtur uroor .aA In proof raults, at annual rental of J. Monty to loan on real o-ttato uuU collateral. Ytmr Savings Account Solicited BENRY E. LEWIS, President. A. P. S. STUART, Vice President. FRED WILLIAMS, Treasurer. B. WELCH, Teller. D'RECT : RS. H.S.Harwood. Henry Velth. H. J. Walsh. H. w. llrown. A. P. S. Stunrt E. It. Slier. Wm. McLauuhlln. Albert N'ntklns. Henry E. I.pwIb. BANK HOURS, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. SATURDAY EVENINGS, G to 8 o'clock. HTTT Tl COLLEGE TEXT AND MISCELLANEOUS . W . .Brown, books. A COMPLETE LINE OP T ' Acme Writing Pads and Tablets. Druggist. 127 South Eleventh Street. Largest Stock in the State. FURNITURE HARDY & PITCHER, 5 21 1 South 1 1th St. LINCOLN, NEB, Oak Table, SO. 00. Fine Foot Form Highest Oualitv. Lowest Prices. Usual Courtesies Extended to Students. -S HOES Y '" BARR PARKER, - v 4. 1009 O STREET. Cuson and Fletcher Company, -1120 O St., Lincoln, Nebraska. wnOLKHAI.K AXD JIKTAIIj UNIVERSITY AND SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, ? ' "" I - DIDt CO OTATIOWPRY Al RUMS. J Fountain l'ons, F D. McCLUSKY, Secy. BIBLES, STATIONERY, ALBUMS, J og. to I