The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, December 22, 1892, Image 1
The Hesperian. UNIVERSITY of NEBRASKA. Vol. XXII. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, DEC EMBER 22, 1S92. No. THE HESPERIAN. Issued semi-monthly by tltu IIkspkrian Association of thu Univur sity of Nebraska. PAUL PIZEY, '93 Managing Em rou ASSOCIATES. CHAS. F. STROM AN, '93 Editorial MISS WILLA CATHER, '95 Literary E. C STRODE, '93 Law Litbkaky SCHUYLER MILLER, '95 Alumni H S. LORD, '93 Athletics G. F. FISHER, '94 Exchangb adam Mcmullen, '96 T . L.C.OBERLIES, '95 ;. LOCAL C. L. TALLMADGE Business Manager TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, per college year (in advance) $1 00 One copy, one semester Co Advertising Rates on Application. alumni and ex-students. Special endeavor will be made to mako Tim Hesper ian interesting to former students. Please send us your subscriptions "Subscriptions on our books will be continued until ordered stopped. Address all communitions to The Hesperian, Uni versity 0f Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. IDIREOTORY. PALLADIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. 1. M. Pollard, Pres. G. I. Babcock, Sec'y. U o UN1VERS'TY UNION LITERARY SOCIETY. H A. Senter, Pres. Miss WIlla Catiier, Sec'y. DELIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. 1 m Pizev, Pres. Miss Lincola Groat, Sec'y. . . w university y, m. c. a. John L. Marshall, J r , Pres. H. A, Senter, Secy. w n UNIVERSITY Y. W. C. A. "ss Uess,e Merhill, Pres. Miss Emma Boose, Secy. t tt , ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. J- H. Johnston, Pres. C. E. Tefft, Sec'y. Ph.. t ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION. nvL P,ZEY- J' Chas F. Stroman, Secy. U a n SCIENTIFIC CLUB. 1 A Center, Pres. H G. Barber, Secy. C P C UNIVERSITY DEBATING CLUB. U 6trman, Pres. Miss Vesta Grey. Secy. Pp. REPUBLICAN CLUB " JN!son, Pres. r h. Johnson, Sec'y. Apr. DEMOCRATIC CLUB. U- GuLiMun, Pres, Sec'y. R U r INDEPENDENT CLUB GRAHAM, Pres. j. VV Searson, Sec'y. EDITORIAL It may not bo out ol! plueo to spoak nbout tho coining session of tho Nebraska logis lutiiro. Tt will bo ti session of moment to our University for on it will depend the de gree of our futuro prosperity. Our institu tion is 11 child of our legislature and on tho allowance of its parent will depend tho stand ing in society of the child. We have no reason to complain of tho allowanco granted at tho last session of tho legislature nor have we reason to fear that the coining legislators will bo any less liberal. But in order to bo as liberal as their predecessors they must grant moro, for tho University has developed wonderfully in the short space of two years. As to the amount that will be asked for, wo of course know nothing as yet, but 0110 thing is certain, it will bo no moro than will bo necessary and no more than is our just duo. The officers of the University are arranging their plans and will bo on hand at the proper time to see that they are carried through if possible. Tho chancellor will have a- sort of a prospectus of tho University showing its advancement, importance, and giving gen eral information, which will be placed in tho hands of tho legislators in order that they may not vote unintelligently on tho question of appropriation. While the officers arc busy doing their duty ii may bo worth white to say what the students may do if they will only take tho interest they should in their Alma Mater. There are students here from 'every county in the state. That moans that there will bo legislators hero this winter who will represent every district from which tho students come. It means that there will bo no student hero who. will not feel that he is interested in at least one representative 0 n i II J k "Tt I IK j 1 V?"""F"'f