THE HTCSPTCllIAN n zolt. and Boor, 10c." May the gliosis of tlio two (lutehmon whom I saw thoro never rest, till one can apponso his appotito upon Bcdloo's Island. With all this weighing upon my mind, I managed to exist till 1 could got a squaro meal. What a western boy is unahlo to livo through isn't worth mentioning. The time had now come to wend my way homeward and I gladly wended. 1 had seen the cold, cold, world. T had tasted of some of its pleasures and found thorn un palatable. I had felt the sharp pricks of its instruments of torturo; hut I had come through the ordeal unscathed. O sweet, O happy day, when my head once more re posed upon the goose feathers of my mater nal pillow. -BlM.YTHKKll). '04 Two Seconds in a Frenchman's Mind. TKANSI-'ERRKO TO KNOL1SH. Is it, that it is that which it is, that hoy there? My faith ! It is it, him. It is true that one might make to say, that that which to me itself shows there, is a hoy, that there boy. I'urblou ! Ts it not, that it is this gamin here, at the home of whose father it is that 1 remain myself 'i Some things amaz ing ! ! What is it that it is, that his father makes by allowing to run his boy on the streets so. that little wretch there I Sucre ! ! ! Behold that which the father makes, more cruel than a beast, that man wretched. It runs, those horses there ! ! One is unable them to hold ! It is that they strike the boy, those animals ! ! Some of horrors ! ! Some of horrors the most horrible ! ! ! One is unable to say where it. is that it is not that they are, the pieces of that boy, at, the home of the father of whom it is that T remain myself, and my two brothers, those pieces, that boy. It must bo that I to myself take the moral and make her to retire in the boys, my brothers, so that when they of him learn, the accident, they will not be searching for some of hoofs of horses, in order that they may experiment with them, immediately, all at once, on the spot. For certainly it is that it is not only cer tain, but sure, that it is this here which thoso there boys here, will make to do whon ono to thorn tells in their ears, the news. Thoro are in it love, more than thoro are a sense of duty, that prompts ono to hasten to thoso boys, my brothers. ( Description of Fifteenth Century Foot Ball. " They get the bladder and blowe it great and thin, With many 1 wanes and pt,,f)n put within It ratlelh, soundeth, and shineth clere and fayre, While it is throwen and 'nsle up in the ayre, Fehc one lontendeth and hath a great delite, With foote and with handc the bladder for to smite, If it fall to grounde they lifte it up agayne, This wise to labour they count it for no payne, Running and leaping they driuve away the colde, The slurdie plowman lustie, stronge and bolde, Ouercommeth the winter with drilling the foote ball, Forgetting labour and many a greuous fall." Tllli LAST OI.ASS. Last night as 1 sal brooding, On the trouble 1 had seen, My sleepy noddle tilted In a lazy llowing dream. My truant fancies wondered Toward a rippling, gurgling stream, That forth from out a silvern fount, Was foiced by power unseen. I saw the sparkling bubbles rise And change to soda foam My last, my only bit of cash, My best girl's brother's loan, 1 saw her beauteous image rise Upon the violets crushed, 1 viewed her auburn locks of hair, It seemed me I should burst. For, both her eyes were dollar marks, Her little lips were dimes, Her cheeks were formed of crisp greenbacks I'd squandered many times. Her eyes were bright, her lips were smooth, Her cheeks held me enrapped, Hut, thanks unto that blessed dream, I'm free, though nearly strapped. Vanity Fair and the Ncbraskan seem confident that by their combined efforts they can change our present college yell. We would suggest that there are some two hundred alumni who have a right to a voice in this matter. The yell is not our property, nor does it belong particularly to to the Ncbraskan, there was breath and brain spent upon it long before the Ncbraskan began its fitful, " representative " existence. iMnwH-w t ijm. nn.iuiJiiiiie-J,g"gga U J-. J,