The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 24, 1892, Page 4, Image 4

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"Ah, give me love and a least like this,
And in mine own countree,
And the gods may sit on their little thrones
And nod. for all o' me.
The world's still turn,
And the stars still burn,
And the gods are out on a spree.
They may have the rest
If they give me the best,
My love and mine own countree."
The Jiang lie ter.
A Fashionable Mining Room in Jfome, the
guests seated at table; at one end a crowd'
of two, much interested in conversation.
tntion and the digestion of the guests would
bo ruined if he did. See, how pityingly Ja
ropo looks at us now. An hour ago ho
tasted the pumpkin pie, then shuddered and
was still. And the worry those pies cost us!
Mamma said she thought n dish of Nightin
gale's tongues could have been more easily
Tho servants bring on tho -next, course.
Consomme de Volaille a la liosalie.
JTe "I cannot express my admiration for
your tact in planning this dinner. .Miss Ross."
She "O! indeed I had nothing at all to do
with it, Mr. Thornton, it was all mamma's
doing; I should never have thought of it.1"
He "Let us grant, for argument's sake,
that it is your mother who is the author and
founder of the feast. It is none the less the
most generous idea that has entered the
brain of an American exile for decades. A
New England Thanksgiving dinner in Home!
Why, it is equal to hearing 'Marching
Through Georgia on the Bosphorus. But
I cannot comprehend how you ever accom
plished such a delicate task here in this wil
derness, for I know that the regulations
which control the preparation of Thanksgiv
ing dinner are as stringent as the laws of
Draco, and a6 changeless as those of the
Modes and Persians.'
She "It was not an easy task. Poor mam
ma's courage almost failed her once. Every
thing was so discouraging. Luccio, our cook,
wept and tore his hair when wo gave him the
order for dinner. He declared that he
would not prepare such dishes, that his repu-
Quartier d'Agncuu Sauce Mousselinc
Jfinmes Duchesses,
Jambon Westphalia a PAnglaise.
Jfc "What! will there be pumpkin pies?
Even those ? I wonder how many years have
passed since I have eaten any 'i Ilow fortu
nate you were to secure a Boston minister
and have the traditional New England bless
mg.' She "Yes. 1 don't think there are any
real ministers on the Continent, no, nor in
England. Of course there are rectors and
clergymen, and D. D.'s, but no real minis
ters. We wanted the dinner to be as Amer
ican as possible, for Thanksgiving day is so
distinctly American. Next to the Fourth of
July it seems more our own gala day than
other." j
lie "You are an American, aren't you?"
She, with surjrrise "Why, yes, we come
from Maine, you know."
Jfc, smiling "I had reference not so
much to your American birth, as to your de
cided American sent'ments. You arc not a
She, lowering her eyes "No". I think no
American can be."
He "Most of your country women think
She "I know it, and I urn sorry for it.
But tell me, why does Miss Kelley wear