18 TILE nESrERlAN quircmcnts for a degree arc eighteen courses. A course consists of a three hour study, pursued one year. I do not think the average student of the U. of N. would consider eighteen hours per week heavy work. Hy taking that amount for three years he might graduate here. Yet, I dare say, there are few who take a degree here in less than four years. I would value a degree from Harvard no higher than one from the Universiiy of Ne braska, so far as it represented true scholarship. To be sure, Harvard lus a wide reputation. The University of Nebraska has not, as yet, the rank among American universities that it deserves, but the rapid strides it has made in the last few years are bound to procure for it, just recognition. It is in facilities for graduate work, that Har vard excels. I have not been disappointed in finding excellent opportunities at Harvard for the work in which 1 am at present interested. The professors I am under are pleasant, able, energetic, inspiring men. The requirements for an A. M. degree here, are four courses; for a Ph. D., about three years of graduate study and the presentation of a mas terly thesis. No thesis is required for an A. M. degree. I think, however, the tendency is to en courage original investigation. If any student from the University intends com ing to Harvard to take up graduate work, and ex pects to take a degree here, I advise him to come with an extra ribbon on his diploma, with certifi cates of all extra n ork performed, with his pockets full of testimonials. He will need them all to get a favorable rating. The requirements for their H. A. degree must first be satisfied. They will, un doubtedly, insist on rating the university graduate one year behind their U. A. Since Harvard has never rated the U. of N. with her own 11. A. de gree, it becomes a matter of individual rating. So the amount, less the one year deficit will depend upon the showing, other th.m his diploma, that the student is able to make before the committee having the matter in charge. Those conservative, conceited notions which have so long been iden lified with Harvard have not yet entirely passed away. Their existence makes it disagreeable to students coming from other colleges, intending to take a degree here. The summary of the students of Harvard may interest some of the Husi-urian readers. There are, at present, 2915 distributed among the differ ent classes and departments, as follows : seniors 330; juniojs, 325 j sophomores, 381; freshmen, 410; specials, 150 ; Lawrence scientific school, 1S2; graduate school, 204; divinity school, 38; law school, 3S0; medical school, 417; dental school 55; veterinary school, 37; IJusscy insti tute, 6. Hesides these, there are nearly 400 ladies attending the Harvard Annex. Practically, the Annex is a separate institution. The co-eds are not very numerous around the university for reasons best known to the faculty. The facilities here are exceptionally good for the inrlustrious, as well as the indolent, students. In my opinion, a man may graduate whether an intellectual giant or an intellectual dwarf. A very idle man might wriggle through, secure a degree, and ever be a public nuisance; but he who comes to Harvard to learn, need not go away unlearned. A Harvard degree does not necessarily make a man, but a Harvard education may make a man. Giio. L. Sheldon, '92. Headquarters First Brigade, Nebraska Na- 1 tional Guard General's Office. Beatrice, Nov. 75, 1892. ) Editor Hksimcrian: A short time ago I had the pleasure of attending a drill of the University batallion, observing it with a two-fold interest as a former member who views with pride the pro gress of the organization, and as one interested in the military welfare of the state. Kntering a few minutes before drill hour, such swarms of cadets were found mingling so confus edly over the lloor that it seemed scarcely possible that they could be formed into military lines, even in that spacious armory. When, at the "assem bly," the men sprang to their places, forming in double ranks on their respective parade grounds, the flanks 6f the companies over-lapped deeply. Truly the U. of N. has grown rapidly, and the interest in the batallion has increased in even ratio. It was the work of a moment for the first sar geants to form the companies call the roll, and re port results to their respective captains. Orders were published by the adjutant, (oh, how the boys envy him that moment when his "Batalhon, attkn-SHONHV makes h'.m "the observed of all observer," and the companies were turned over to the drill sargcan's. The recruits were formed quietly into squads and were given the exercises or instructed in the "school of the -ol-dicr." From the older members were formed a troop of cavalry and a battery of artillery, and the former practiced the sabre exercises ; the latter Li