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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1892)
J, W. WINSER & CD. 1109 O STREET. "JCWSS" DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, UNDERWEAR Ui HOSIERY, "ISSS y KvcrytliliiR Ih now nnd our aro correct. AlWAYS THE OHEHPEST. Q CL&XiIj .SJSHD SHE TJs. clopliono 234, 10J) Houth Kloventh Strout, WHITEBREAST COAL JNO. T. DOHGAN, LB LIME CO. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Secretary and Manager. DATTnVRV ANH JJVXt,.. W vjjj 0 CONFECTIONERY ) 1337 O Street. T3. 764. t3:e -LINCOLN BAKERYtx The Finest Line of A. T. SEELEY.Prop. Confectionery in the city. We do not offer speolal prioes to students But wo guarantee our prices to be lower than Thoso who do. We have a large stook of Undorwoar.Hoisery, Gloves eto-, For Ladles and Gentlemen Whioh we invite you to inspoot. MILLER & PAINE, 133-139 SOUTH ELEVENTH. LINCOLN NORTH WEST flflffl U12MP EAST ELmHIRjii:! l 1 1 1 1 llHB (tmmzc Offi-re Kujrlnr fncllltlcs for acquiring a knowledge oi book-keeping, petimaiiBhlp rapid calculations, business arithmetic, commercial law, short-haud. type-writing, cnrrcspoudcnco. nnd telegraphy. For circulars address, D. R. LILLIBUInQB. ires., Lincoln, Neb, Purchnso Tickets and consign your freight via tho F. E. & M. Y. ad S. C. & P. RAILROADS. m R. G. Burt, General Agent. K. C. Morehouse, J. R. Buchanan, General Freight Agent. General Passenger Af nt OMAHA, 'NEBR. webster & rogers, BDDTSihiSHDES Always Latest Styles and Lowost Prioos to be found with us. 1043 O STREET. McHRTHUR &l SON Burr Block, Twelfth and 0 Streets. perfumes toilet etrti cles s oaps stationery Prescription Work Our Specialty. OOTS A.KTD SBB X7S.