The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 01, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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logo. Tho Illinois hoys, as u rule, iro gon
tloinon, but if thoy continue to enjoy this
ropulnlion, thoy must, in tho l'uturo, leave
at. homo all such brutal bullies. Tho thug
and tho pugilist have no place in foot ball
At the invitation of tho republican club of
tho University of Nebraska, a convention
was hold in University chapel Saturday, Oc
tober 22, for tho purpose of organizing a
state league of college republican clubs.
Twenty-live delegates, representing tho clubs
of tho principal colleges of tho state, were
present. A constitution was adopted, a
league formed, and a declaration of princi
ples enunciated. Persons of all parties will
admit that in this the members of the repub
lican club showed commendable enterprise.
This leads us to remark that now, more
than ever before, the educated young man is
taking an interest in politics; and this is
right. Tho college man has, in the past,
been too negligent of his political duties. It
was felt, perhaps, that, to a certain degree, dis
credit is attached to those who took an activo
part in politics. Happily, this feeling is dy
ing out. The American people realize that
no government in which tho ignorant rule
can endure. Especially is this true of a re
public. It is the imperative duty of every
young man candidly and honestly to investi
gate tho position of political parties on the
questions to bo effected by legislation, and,
having allied himself to tho party most nearly
representing his views, to labor dilligently to
elovato tho political standard of the party.
Politics will be purified only by the coliego
man. Lot him countenance no victory not
honestly won. The groat majority of men
arc honest in their political views aiid admiro
honesty in others. Trickery and chicanery
may win for a time, but in the long run, in
politics as in everything olso, "Honesty is
tho best policy.15
Last year a plan was arranged by the of
ficers of tho University that, during tho sum
mer proved to bo a splendid and successful
one. We refer to tho idoa of sending out,
whenever possible, (luring tho summer vaca
tion, parties in charge of professors, to view
tho sights in foreign countries. It was
planned last spring to send out three parties,
one to the land of the midnight sun, one to
sunny Italy and one to England and Scotland.
On account of unforseen and ungovernable
circumstances the last named plan was the
only one carried through. Tho party con
sisted of twelve, of which Professor Loos
was manager and patron in charge. Only
two of tho party had never been in any way
connected with the university. The rest
wore made up of professors, alumni, and
students of our institution. Now, twelve
persons stand ready to testify that the ac
tion of the ollicers in inaugurating this
scheme was a wise and beneficial one.
There is, perhaps, no one that does not
have or has not had, at some time, a great
desire to visit tho old countries. The his
tory of our country is but a branch of the
countries of Europe especially England. It
is no wonder, then, that a student of history
desires to visit those lands in which he finds
the foundation of the study that he delighs
in, and which will aid him so materially to
build intelligently upon that foundation, the
the groat superstructure known as our own
American history. If so many have this de
sire, then why do not more persons, and es
pecially students, take the coveted trip?
Tho answer is found in tho fact that the gen
eral impression is that one cannot visit tho old
country except at an enormous expense.
When one contemplates making a visit to
the continent ho naturally makes inquiries as
to how much such a visit will cost him. Us
ually he asks tho opinions of men that make
a business of getting up parties to take a
fiying trip to different parts of Europe. Mr.
Cook usually comes in for his shaao of such
. questions. Tho inquirer is generally told
how much it will cost him to visit such and
such places. The price is onormously high
and nine times out of ton tho trip has to bo
given up. Tho tenth man is caught, and
Mr. Cook becomes wealthy. Tho thought